Writer in the Guardian warns of the inevitability of war between Iran and the West
Writer in the Guardian warns of the inevitability of war between Iran and the West
25/01/2012 15:27
Beirut, January 25 (Rn) – warned the British newspaper The Guardian that the letters of hostilities and miscalculation between the two Iranian and American, will lead to a war inevitable. In an article written by Simon Tssadol, considered the British newspaper that the speech the U.S. for regime change through military action misleading, just as it is to believe Iran’s victory in a potential conflict like this, arguing that “war is inevitable.” After the newspaper reported statements by French President Nicolas Sarkozy in which he said that “time is running out” to avoid military intervention against Iran, indicated that the Iranians may see an escalation in these statements lead them to question how long to wait before that exposure to a U.S. or Israeli attack, or both together? ? And whether it is imperative that the Iran initiative to attack first in anticipation of that possibility. The Times concluded by saying that “this way, start the war … any cross-hostile rhetoric and ignore mutual miscalculation.” After the newspaper indicated that the constituency influence in Washington, with the help leaders of the Republican candidates like Mitt Romney, prefer military action sooner rather than later, deemed “The Guardian” It is for these militants Americans, the regime change is the title of the game because it is the only way to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb. Having expressed the newspaper satisfaction to those ideas horror did not reach the thinking of President Barack Obama, pointed out that the belief that the Iranian people would welcome bombing the U.S. and turning suddenly to his leadership, reflects a serious disregard. paper talked Au and the existence of a state to deny the Iranian, referring to Tehran’s reaction to private messages that sent by the White House on the “red lines in the Strait of Hormuz,” pointing to what the Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, who said “in public flexing their muscles, and behind the scenes claim to sit down and dialogue.” Having considered that it was imperative for Salehi to study American history and what happens when is to ignore the red lines, in reference to the Vietnam War, said the British newspaper that the Iranian regime believes that the conflict with America or Israel or both will serve the objectives to justify the nuclear deterrent, because it Sasourhm as courageous leaders in fighting global aims of Zionism and American imperialism and the “global arrogance “and therefore would mobilize the people with them. She concluded by saying “This is frightening illusions, but the truth is part of the pseudo-growing, which leads to a decision of war.” Khalil Khalil, RN LLC