Withdrawal from Afghanistan, the largest challenge of Iraq
Newspaper: Withdrawal from Afghanistan, the largest challenge of Iraq
04/02/2012 18:54

the foreseeable future, and it is expected to shrink put Pakistan as a safe haven for the rebels. ” the paper quoted retired U.S. general David Barno, who was the military commander most prominent in Kabul, saying, “would run the United States at war in Afghanistan more severe over the next few years compared with the war that fought in Iraq at some point after 2008.” It is worth mentioning, according to newspaper officials the Obama administration had prepared a report especially for comparing the war in Afghanistan, the war they have fought in Iraq, trying to clarify the statements of Minister of Defense Leon Panetta, in which he referred to the United States hopes to end the job of fighting in Afghanistan by the middle of next year no earlier than who was selected for this process by more than a year, to become a mission of providing advice to the Afghan forces. The paper also quoted White House spokesman Jay Carney that he considered that “Iraq is a useful reference for the study of war, as also is the case in Iraq, will remain advisers Americans in the country and will continue to participate in combat missions. ” and drew the newspaper that he is in the middle of the year 2010, when President Alamekra Barack Obama the end of the military mission in Iraq, the number of troops advisory U.S. of 49
thousand soldiers, has been exposed to losses, but Iraqi forces have carried out most hostilities, however, that in Afghanistan is still the Taliban control large areas of land within the eastern mountainous along the border, where they continue to fight and their attacks on Afghan government forces and intimidate the people of the villages. to this confirms one of Afghan leaders, who declined to be identified in his interview with the paper “they are ready to take over in some places, but they are not prepared elsewhere, and will not be able to take the necessary preparations during the year.” She drew the paper that this “raised fears expressed by U.S. military officials in Kabul, by asserting that the comments Panetta does not refers to a change in U.S. policy or even to a reduction in combat operations for U.S. forces, in addition to military officials will continue to play the lead in fighting in Pakistan, where it is believed that the gunmen were still receiving assistance from the external devices, “in what was considered by many in Washington that Comments made by Panetta is the sign of the administration’s desire to put an end to the U.S. mission in Afghanistan. of: Khalil Khalil. Open: Murtaza Yousuf