Parliamentary Committee: Amending the budget law is conditional on government approval

Parliamentary Committee: Amending the budget law is conditional on government approval


Parliamentary Committee - Amending the budget law is conditional on government approvalInformation/Baghdad…
The Parliamentary Legal Committee reported that the budget law will be approved after extensive study by the relevant committees, and the amendment process is subject to its receipt from the government as a financial law.

The committee member, Muhammad Jassim Al-Khafaji, said in an interview followed by the “Information” agency, that “the budget law has not, in practice, been amended until this moment,” indicating that “its approval does not take place except after extensive study, whether it comes from the government or from my committees.” Parliament, legal or financial.

He added, “From a formal standpoint, the budget law can be amended, but from a practical and actual standpoint it is very difficult, as it is a very large law and contains schedules and expenses that were recorded according to previous studies. As a result, if the amendment is made, its financial paragraphs will be expanded according to the type of paragraphs added.”

Al-Khafaji explained, “If there is a legal problem in the budget, the government can begin to amend it, as it is a financial law and it is responsible for the amendment, and then it is presented to the House of Representatives.”