Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-20-2022
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-20-2022
9-20-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI monetary and gold reserves continue to rise as the months roll on and oil continues to stay high. There is talk from my CBI contacts that the CBI is going to back the dinar totally with gold. This does not mean they won’t also have US dollars stashed in their foreign reserves and natural resources as well as the revenues from other sources such as customs and tariffs and tourism to back it up.
9-20-2022 Intel/Newshound Guru RVAlready I think the reality is Iraq must fix their problem, or the UN will do it for them. And the international community is in no mood to wait.
9-20-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram The Prime Minister of Iraq is traveling to the United States to participate in the work of the United Nations General Assembly at its 77th session…we can only hope as investors that these meetings with International figures will result in a higher exchange rate in the future…
9-19-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The Central Bank separates the work of the Deposit Insurance Company, the development of the payments system, and cooperation with major international banks”. CBI FROM ATM’s, TO FDIC, TO BUNA… ALL PART OF THE MONETARY REFORM EDUCATION TO THE CITIZENS
9-19-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Well we have some interesting news…what I hear from my sources in the last hour is 2 large groups that have aggregated currency and already have SKR’s for 4a…have been told no more…Submitting updated personal information so that they can pay them…it is closed as of this afternoon. No more changes…they say it’s too close now to the time of release to accept any more information changes… I think that is a clear indicator of how close we are.
9-19-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Al-Kazemi carries 5 “announced” files to New York, and “Al-Ghad Press” looks at the sixth” Quote: “Al-Kazemi will head a high-ranking ministerial delegation to New York, to participate in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly…the political crisis in the country will top Al-Kazemi’s discussions with world leaders, led by US President Joe Biden”
9-19-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “21 million Shiites mark Arbaeen in Iraq’s Karbala” …pilgrims are traveling from Iran, Palestine and different parts of the Middle East to an annual religious celebration. This massive celebration is in Kabbalah and is one of the world’s largest public gatherings that is held every year in Iraq. Kabbalah is approximately 55 miles from Baghdad.
9-19-2022 Guru Nader From The Mid East I have the journalist…He has…an Iraqi diplomat who works in Washington. We’re going to talk about the exchange rate, the dinar and all that. I’m still organizing it. The guy is really busy so as soon as he gives me the green light I will do it right away…
9-19-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy …Obviously if the oil prices go up this also affects the value of the Iraqi dinar. No, you’re not going to see any real significant jump or increase [In the exchange rate of the dinar] not yet, with the increase of money that will be coming into Iraq it will increase their foreign reserves, they continue to add large amounts of gold (it seems like every month now) which will only do what? Secure the Iraqi dinar. Strengthen it…
9-19-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Guru Mnt Goat post quote: “…It may take until the end of the year to catch up so don’t expect anything until at least January 2023…” I am still looking for much sooner than that but, isn’t it nice everybody is agreeing that things are lining up? I still think September…A lot of chatter and research is pointing to the end of this month…My guess is this month… I think this week is going to be huge.
9-19-2022 Newshound Guru Breitling Inside Iraqi the Sunni and Shia want to expand their markets and their markets are in the west. Russia and China are not expanding, they’re shrinking…the average person out there knows if I’m going to sell something I want as many customers as possible. That is what Iraq is looking at…That’s all they’re looking at nothing more than that. So it’s all positive news coming out of Iraq for the Iraqi dinar.
9-19-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “When the ATMs start spitting out cash and the satellite banks open are we still waiting on the reforms?” We’re waiting on the reforms. Actually we’re waiting for when the government sits. Then they’ll show you a budget that has the white papers that contains a new exchange rate…
9-19-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] BIG Rumors that Iraq is looking at joining BRICS. I want to tell you that no matter where you are at…there is no chance you will be kept from exchanging dinar. You do not have to worry about it – even if they join BRICS …everyone will still be able to exchange. On the world stage-you cannot pick and choose who gets to exchange…everyone will be able to exchange…. The way this will work. BRICS was designed as a way of forcing the reset. CIPS was formed as an alternative to the SWIFT system. They want to force the reset and it is working like a charm…Some news articles are clear signs of our impending revaluation…