Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-17-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-17-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-17-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “High foreign reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq” yeah! Very high! …because the gov of the CBI controls the auctions, increasing foreign reserves instead of decreasing them by having Iran steal them. I love it.

9-17-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The World Council: Iraq is among the Arab countries with the most gold reserves” Quote: “Iraq still maintains its 30th position globally with the largest gold reserves out of the 100 countries included in the international financial statistics for global gold reserves and for the second month in a row after purchasing 34 tons in the month of June, when these reserves amounted to 130.4 tons, which represents 9.5% of the remaining his other currencies…”

9-16-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …the chatter is saying it could happen at ”any moment”…but contacts really aren’t talking. Over the last few days I’ve been hearing “We have an NDA now-we can’t talk. Things are on schedule”… Well I don’t know what the schedule is so I am as frustrated as you are. But, that is what I am getting… I believe it’s going to be an
interesting few days.

9-16-2022 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Most of the banks have kind of clammed up…if you’re looking at a timeline of events that have happened, and need to happen, I think we’re just about there. I think we’re just about there with everything that I can understand from the timelines… I think the possibility of getting notified over the weekend is real…we’ve been told from some pretty good people to look for the weekend.

9-16-2022 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] And the Iraqi dinar, which we know is trading upward now is close to a baker’s dozen, right now is moving forward and should be internationally known meaning it should be known on Sunday that it is a restored currency. Okay, and revalue globally, internationally, even to us…And that gives me confidence that maybe we do get this thing over the weekend. Let’s see what happens.

9-16-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “IYO do you think it will be 1 to 1 when it leaves the border of Iraq?” At this point it may be more now because the dollar is falling so far behind every day…you think the dinar wants to be embarrassed and walk with the American dollar anymore. No.

9-16-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There are really only two options for Iraq. The first one is a redenomination LOP, which is a neutral event and not what we want to occur. The other is to pass laws, create a suitable investment environment and diversify the economy away from oil. Only then the dinar could float.

9-16-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The later is what has been described under the IMF Article IV Consultation from 2013 which is to create the conditions for a suitable investment environment, then float the dinar and allow it to gradually appreciate based on the economic success. But this is going to take time.

9-16-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Association of Private Banks: The percentage of financial inclusion in Iraq has risen to 33.5%” Quote: “…the percentage of financial inclusion increased from 22.5% during the year 2020 to 33.5%, an increase of about 49% from the year 2020, due to the Central Bank’s policy to support the project to localize employee salaries and increase the opening of Banking branches, digital transformation support, electronic wallets, payment points and ATMs”

9-16-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Iraq’s gold reserves rise to 130.4 tons”. Iraq continues to add to their reserves. They now have 130.4 tons of gold. Quote: “Iraq ranked 3rd in the Arab world and 30 in the world…” …with the gold reserves in Iraq increasing and the foreign currency reserves also increasing this is huge for the support of the Iraqi dinar. They’re a big part of what makes a currency strong. I see some big steps being taken that do indeed help the Iraqi dinar in a big way…

9-16-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The new lower denominations that we are looking for are not yet in circulation. Other countries are not yet exchanging the dinar. There is no reason for them to be exchanging.

9-16-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The Board of Directors of the Center for Banking Studies holds its second meeting for the year 2022″ Part of that meeting was to tell the two gentlemen [Guru Walkingstick’s satellite bank contacts] and many other gentleman, we need you to train the satellite employees now because we’ve got the ones in Iraq trained. The ones all around the world need to be trained…the two gentlemen were going to stick around [The U.S.] for 6 weeks. That’s why they’re still here…

9-16-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am looking from the 20th to the Oct 1st…but there are a lot of group leaders looking at tonight [Thursday] into tomorrow. I hope they are right and I am wrong. Nobody knows the exact timing…the chatter from the groups today has been fantastic. They are keyed up for “any moment” right now.