Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-2-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-2-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-2-2024 Newshound Guru Breitling Brutally honest, I give you my honest opinion. Here’s where I’m at personally right now. I’m not getting out. I’m neutral. This doesn’t look good [Some Iraqi support for Hezbollah HQ in Baghdad]. Actually makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t feel good about it at all because I’m looking at the Middle East. I’m looking at the influence and proxy wars coming from Iran…Here’s the reality…they [Iraqis] were trying to upgrade their financial system and make sure they were compliant and be on the world stage with the currency again. They’ve always been on it but this is a different ball game. Here’s the thing, they are following law…to be able to trade again…but the road they’re going down now, they’re going to be sanctioned…That’s not good…It’s bad for us if they go down that road.

8-2-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …recent articles from Iraq tells us the Iraqi government is taking steps to correct…issues and what needed reforms are still necessary… The nature of the reforms tells us they would have to be already started…Don’t think this is going to be a long, long process but certainly not days, maybe more like months…We must not discount all the reforms already accomplished…the Feds are now stepping in and trying to move the country steps further. Yes, they are shaking it up…So, this is all VERY good news and we should be happy to see it playing out…Everything is going to come together and it will happen suddenly.

8-2-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Government Advisor; Budget Implementation Instructions (Procedural Issue)“ They reiterated that the budget tables do not need to be posted in the Gazette. The budget has already been approved for 3 years. It is perfectly legal and they have worked through the implementation thereof. So why are they not posting budget tables in the Gazette? I think there is an important reason – like a different value on the dinar.

8-1-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Think about it. You’ve been stealing from the country for 20 years. It’s kind of hard to ween yourself off theft and corruption. That’s what Iraq’s been going through. They’re getting better and better and better as you can see…We all know there’s some entities in Iraq that own media and they throw it out there to throw people off… [Their name] probably starts with the letter “M” and we can go from there.

8-1-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “By names and addresses.. Details of the arrest of 8 main suspects in the theft case of the century” [Find Name & Companies in original article] 1- Total stolen amounts nine hundred and eighty-two billion dinars from the tax deposit account 2- Stolen amounts two trillion two hundred and eighty-three billion Iraqi dinars 3- stolen funds / one trillion one hundred and eighty-five billion two hundred and twenty million 4- Stolen funds / six hundred and seven billion Iraqi dinars 5- Stolen funds / six hundred Twenty-four billion Iraqi dinars 6- Position: Office of the former Prime Minister Stolen funds: Four hundred and ninety-seven billion Iraqi dinars 7- Stolen funds: one hundred and twenty-four million US dollars 8- [Unknown total]

8-1-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Community Comment: “Why do you think Iraq has been dragging its feet? It’s because Iraq has been FIGHTING to RAKE IN all the dinar that is OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY! Once they got, let’s say 95% of it, then they are ready to reinstate the value of the dinar to its old glory days.” Why? They don’t have to do that. There’s no sense in doing that. They could just do it anyways after they delete the zeros. So no they don’t have to wait to do that. They can just reinstate it anytime they want to.

8-1-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram The news from the Middle East has gone haywire. There appears to be consistent and organized misinformation coming out of the Middle East. [I] will do everything in [my] power to report correct and confirmed news reports…

8-1-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The prevailing rumor is that the Green light was set yesterday …and will go sometime between now and the 5th…

8-1-2024 Newshound Guru Jeff They haven’t implement their budget yet because they’re waiting for the rate to change. Everything in Iraq…the budget, the laws, the overturning the budget, everything out there is being stalled and delayed to be timed with the rate change.

8-1-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [Iraqi bank friend Aki update] AKI: I got a phone call…Monday and the phone call is telling me to do something…Sudani and his staff/administration along with the CBI, they are reaching out to ex-patriots of Iraq…that left Iraq back in 2003. We’re dealing with teachers, scientists, bankers, economists, doctors…In 2003 when Saddam …caused these brilliant people…of Iraq to leave…This was called the brain drain. The brain drain effect will now be replaced because of what Sudani is doing with these ex-patriots.

8-1-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick He is painting a bright picture to all that left Iraq to come back. He is explaining to them you will be receiving new lower notes, new currency…a new value that will give you purchasing power…Your businesses, investments in our country are now well protected. Sudani tells the ex-patriots around the world you can now make a living in Iraq…Sudani is calling them home. He’s reaching out to them through the internet…He’s really doing it by word-of-mouth. News travels at a faster pace from person to person… WALKINGSTICK: Sudani is calling his people back and then he doesn’t do the monetary reform? No. Not likely!

8-1-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Are they going to fire up the oil and gas law at 1310? I highly doubt it. Why wouldn’t they have done it already? …They had 19 years but they’ve done an extra year and got that done. Now they’re talking about it’s an imminent situation…in the coming days… Bottom line is pressure is on.

8-1-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Do you really feel in your heart we are close? MarkZ: I do…they are still saying between now and the 5th. Nobody knows the timing but it’s what many are looking at.

8-1-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …everything is complete – everything is ready with Iraq…we’re ready to move forward…we’re getting down to the wire – we’ve got good information that’s saying that it’s ready to go – the green light has been sent…This should be a really good end of the week…