Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-17-2022
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-17-2022
5-17-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Community comment “Oil has nothing to do with Iraq’s revalue, float or whatever they’re going to do.” …This could not be further from the truth…a county’s finances has everything to do with the foreign exchange rate thus we talk about Iraq’s huge oil revenue and how they are adding to their streams of income. It looks like Iraq’s income is about to become even larger…
5-17-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Will there be state taxes on the RV?] I don’t believe there will be any State taxes on the RV…i may be wrong…so best to be prepared just in case. [NOTE: Always check with your tax professional at the appropriate time to determine your taxes for your unique circumstances.]
5-17-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …in 2011 the plan was laid out in an article by the CBI. So far they have stuck to this plan. We have seen all the necessary banking reforms, the completion of payment of war debt to Kuwait and all the necessary ties into the international investment arena so that the dinar could be used internationally. Why would they bother to do all this if they were not going to reinstate the dinar and trade the dinar internationally? …This reinstatement is coming as there is just too many past events that paved the way to it already to doubt…This is the perfect time for the reinstatement of the dinar.
5-16-2022 Newshound Guru CharlieOK Just saw the article…on the federal court’s latest revelation. On the surface it seems like it might be a good thing. Looks like there is more pressure than ever to form a real govt…not a caretaker govt. If the CG [caretaker govt.] is formed, the enactment of the food law would be illegal according to the federal court. The federal court said a caretaker govt. can NOT enact laws. Why is this a good thing, then?…
5-16-2022 Newshound Guru CharlieOK Because it puts more pressure on forming a real govt. And, if that is unable to be done, and a CG is formed, it takes you right back to the budget which is ALREADY enacted. The CG simply uses funds from the budget and goes on down the road…I can’t wait to see if a scenario of a CG running Iraq off of the already enacted and approved budget, is good enough for the CBI. If not, the can look like it has been kicked.
5-16-2022 Newshound Guru NORV [aka Kaperoni] “The Iraqi Journal of Economic Sciences publishes an article on the Iraqi dinar between the polemics of flotation and devaluation” …appears they are fighting between floating and a LOP… Quote: “The debate remained among some economists about the importance of the Central Bank of Iraq resorting to the floating currency philosophy as a prelude to gradual adjustment instead of adopting the method of shock and surprise to the market with a low, alternative external value of the Iraqi dinar overnight…”
5-16-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Reference Mnt Goat post 5-15-2022] I agree 100% with this…i am hearing the same thing from sources in Iraq. Lots coming out of iraq about lower denominations being released…Deleting the zeros has been talked about in all kinds of paperwork, press releases, government statements…the value goes up and then the zeros go away….this is why they will need lower denominations.
5-16-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan “The Central Bank of Iraq 75 years in the face of economic challenges” The take away I see is they have accomplished the necessary goals to get them to the advanced stage of going into a market economy…They have been taken out of the Gray area, removed from sanctions of Chapter VII, accomplished E-Government, E-Payments and Automated the borders and ports and increased revenues outside of oil…
5-16-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan When the Central Bank talks we should listen. They use the wording ‘advanced stage’ now.. They use the terms ‘Market Economy’ now.. Well, once Article VIII with a new rate they’ll have the Entitlements and Food Security in the bag… Very promising and timely article. imo
5-16-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the banking side – I am being told there is an 11AM meeting today in Reno as they work through details of the schedule. I was told that all rates are set. The schedule is set…we just do not know what it is yet… …I heard this from many contacts on multiple continents…that some folks in those earlier tiers were receiving real dollars over the weekend…All in all this was a very exciting weekend. The only thing that would make it better is us making appointments and going to the banks.
5-16-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Unlike when Al-Kazemi took over as Prime Minister he had a short term…about two years in office. Once the government is formed they are going to have a normal four years to get business done. Depending on what government they get in there will make a world of difference as to whether or not the exchange rate is going to change.
5-16-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Remember you need a steady government, one that’s not corrupt, a steady economy, strong GDP, your country has to be able to attract outside investors who are interesting in investing into your country and the future prospects have to look really good. You also have to have a strengthening currency. All the possibilities are there for Iraq…
5-16-2022 Intel Guru Holly …Certain things transpired over the weekend to move the RV forward. This was huge and we should see the release finally…
5-16-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Finance holds a consultative meeting to implement two systems…and reveal their benefits” EVERYONE IS AT THIS MEETING IMF, WB, CBI, FM, ETC
5-16-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “RICH” IN MONEY AND “POVERTY” IN PLANNING.. IRAQ’S REVENUES EXCEED ITS
EXPENSES BY 200% DURING THE FIRST THIRD OF THE YEAR” Do you know just of fantastic this news really is? WOW! WOW! One more step towards more evidence this is moving ahead.