Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-28-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-28-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-28-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “RETURNING THE DOLLAR EXCHANGE TO ITS PREVIOUS PRICE IS ONE OF OUR PRIORITIES” …let me remind you what the phrase “returning the dollar’s exchange rate to its previous price” means. Some authors do mean from 1450 back to the 1122 program rate, but the CBI means back to the “Glory Days”…If the CBI wanted to revalue back to the old program rate of 1120 they would have done it already in December 2021. They do not need any change in the government to revert it back it…So, this alone tells us that something different is about to happen. They are going to get out of the program rate. This is not business as usual.

1-28-2022 Newshound Guru Breitling What’s coming down the road? What does Iraq looking at? Why haven’t they pulled the trigger today? I’m telling you they could pull the trigger today if they wanted to.

1-28-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] When it says, ‘open the budget with the new exchange rate’ it means the line item that has the new exchange rate in it…

1-27-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Any new estimates on the dong?] I am still hearing $2.20 – $2.30…

1-27-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: They’re now talking on the TV about what they’re going to do with the rate. They thinking it will go to 1000 or so then float…a lot of talk about the rate being better than previous then float. FRANK: It is the hot conversation in your country…it’s actually hot all over the Middle East…Every Middle East country they’re talking about your exchange rate…

1-27-2022 Intel Guru Holly They said it would get crazy at the end. I am seeing news all over. The rv is real! Don’t ever give up! …The best is yet to come!

1-27-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] The total value and the exchange rate that they are using is in the budget and the white papers. That [the exchange rate] is one of the line items… They’re going to pass it. They’re going to use it…

1-27-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The IMF made it very clear about 10 years ago of the policy for Iraq… they want Iraq to move to a float when the conditions are appropriate and allow the dinar to gradually appreciate. This is what will happen as a result of the growth of the economy. There are no shortcuts.

1-27-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …based on whales staying in place, the constant articles from Iraq saying they are raising the rate…and they want the new rate before they open the 2022 budget…we know its near …we just don’t know if they will get it all done within the next week or two. At this point I do not think there is a can being kicked…all systems are go…

1-27-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy I know there’s some talk out there about the Iraq exchange rate. I’ve seen the articles. I know it’s being discussed but as I said before if they do change it it’s going to change back to the previous rate. You’re not going to see any huge RI or RV. Not yet. Most likely it’ll go from getting 1450 dinars for every 1 dollar to back to where it was before, 1190 dinar. That’s going in the right direction. The lower that number gets the more we benefit. Just be patient…no one can deny Iraq is going in the right direction…

1-27-2022 Regular Guy Guru Vital Brad Question: “Will the rate fluctuate?” Great question. When the Iraqi dinar goes back onto the Forex market – it’s the international market – the free market it becomes a legitimate recommissioned currency. It’s going to fluctuate just like other currencies. They fluctuate. They move…Let’s say it comes in at 1 to 1 and it’s going to do what they call a ‘float’ where it’s going to gradually go up over time…it won’t be massive fluctuations like cryptocurrency.

1-27-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] After I finally get that announcement and I know we are headed to the bank…They are going to try to finish all of our currency transactions within 30 days. At which point they may make the larger denomination notes worthless except for those owned by treasury departments in the foreign currency reserves…So eventually the currency we hold will not be any good. So imo…you had best get in and out within 30 days. This is what I have heard and believe it to be accurate.

1-27-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Parliamentary Moves To Reduce The Price Of The Dollar In The Next Parliamentary Session” Quote: “There is a great move by the State of Law to reduce the dollar exchange rate and return it to its previous position.”

1-27-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Iraq has 1/6 of a penny for their dinar? Unbelievable isn’t it? …we read article they had the largest foreign reserves EVER!…Dr Sinani Shabibi wanted to reinstate the dinar way back in Jan 2013. So why are we still here over 8 years later?

1-26-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 [ Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: The Finance Mister just came on our television channel One…he says Iraq need to show their true value. FRANK: the REER. FIREFLY: They’re saying that they are losing billions a day by not having the true value…he’s saying that Iraq is a stable society and we have security and we have just signed an economic meeting with Saudi Arabia but doing all these things without a true real value is basically useless to the Iraqis and to our nation. The time has come to show the real value to the world so Iraq can grow.

1-26-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [I talked to an Iraqi Native in Kentucky last night, he said his family in Iraq sees the REER ( real effective exchange rate) will be changed back to an acceptable rate, for the poor Iraqi people, any day now!] It is common when taking with Iraqis…they know they will soon have this…They know how this works.