Iraq increases its holdings of US bonds by more than 2.5 billion dollars

Iraq increases its holdings of US bonds by more than 2.5 billion dollars

2022-09-18 23:16

Iraq increases its holdings of US bonds by more than 2.5 billion dollarsShafaq News/ The US Treasury announced, on Sunday, that Iraq increased its holdings of US bonds to more than 2.5 billion dollars during the month of July.

The Treasury said in its latest schedule, seen by Shafak News Agency, that “Iraq’s possession of US Treasury bonds for the month of July of 2022 increased by 2.622 billion dollars, or 8.2%, to reach 34.587 billion dollars, after it was 31.965 billion dollars in the month of June,” indicating That “these bonds rose from the same month last year 2021, when Iraq’s possession of bonds amounted to 19 billion dollars.”

She added that “Iraqi bonds, including long-term guarantees amounting to 14.149 billion dollars and short-term guarantees amounting to 20.393 billion dollars,” noting that these bonds represent 0.45% of the world’s bonds.

In the Arab world, Saudi Arabia comes at the forefront of the most possessing countries, reaching 121.611 billion dollars, Kuwait comes second with 49.377 billion dollars, the UAE comes third with 41.315 billion dollars, then Iraq is fourth and Oman fifth with 6.996 billion dollars, then Morocco with 3.783 billion dollars.

She pointed out that “the largest holder of US bonds is Japan, with a value of 1,234.289 trillion dollars, followed by China, with 970.014 billion dollars, followed by the United Kingdom, with 634.628 billion dollars, and then Luxembourg with 304.218 billion dollars.”