Foreign Policy: Restoring the confidence of Iraqis is the only way for their country to rise
Foreign Policy: Restoring the confidence of Iraqis is the only way for their country to rise
2023-03-19 06:34
Shafaq News/ The American “Foreign Policy” magazine called, on Sunday, on Iraq not to waste another opportunity in order to rebuild what was ravaged by wars and crises that left 20 years of shattered hopes, and stressed that the main task of Iraqi governance is to restore people’s trust in the state and institutions of governance. .
The magazine stated in a report on the twentieth anniversary of the Iraq war, translated by Shafak News agency, that a lot is being written and said about the war and how it changed Iraq, affecting the position of the United States in the world and undermining the international system, but added that it is also appropriate to praise the few but important successes that Iraq has achieved, Such as political pluralism and global openness after years of sanctions and war.
Stages of the Iraq Crisis
The American report enumerated some of the stages that Iraq went through and its security and military crises since the war with Iran and the invasion of Kuwait, then the invasion of Iraq and the subsequent violence and the emergence of ISIS. And the shattered dreams that followed.
The report considered that in 2003, officials had a rare opportunity to rewrite the story of Iraq, adding that if a good system of government had been put forward, based on the rule of law and public service among politicians, even if there were some defects, Iraq would have risen to become a regional economic power. pioneering culture.
The mistake of dismantling state institutions
The report added that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship did not require the dismantling of state institutions, the comprehensive demobilization of the security forces and the looting of army stores, and the occupation’s refusal to assume any responsibility for the civilian population, indicating that there was a misleading American view that the Iraqis do not have much that connects them to each other and that Their sectarian identities will overshadow their national identity.
The report referred to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani, who is the seventh prime minister of Iraq since Iraq regained its sovereignty in mid-2004, adding that they are all still alive and left their positions through a peaceful transfer of power, which constitutes an important achievement.
The report mentioned a recent statement by Al-Sudani when he was asked about the biggest challenge he faces, after 5 months of assuming his position, where he said without hesitation, “Restoring the confidence of the people who have completely lost confidence in the political class.”
Restoring Iraqis’ confidence in politicians
The report considered that no Iraqi politician has uttered more sincere words since this statement, noting that voter turnout declined to 36% during the 2021 elections, which reflects general disappointment with the political system due to corruption.
However, the report saw that there are moments that should be remembered and praised, such as when Iraqis were able to vote freely for the first time in 2005, and also when Iraqi forces liberated cities from ISIS occupation, and even when Iraq won the Asian Football Cup in 2007, and when The Pope will visit Baghdad, Ur, Najaf, Mosul and Erbil in the year 2021.
The report added that there were overwhelming feelings of joy and tears about the possibility of Iraqis bonding with unity.
After the report said, “Restoring Iraqi politicians’ trust in their people is a difficult task,” but stressed that it is “the only way through which Iraq can begin a new chapter,” where politicians need to work as government employees and serve the people and the state instead of working to reach To positions of power and influence to enrich themselves and patronage networks, which means that state funds will be protected from rampant corruption to be used for the prosperity of Iraq.
sovereign wealth fund
The report concluded with proposals for establishing a sovereign wealth fund such as the Iraq Neighbors Fund, providing job opportunities by allowing the private sector to grow, and curbing militias that have infiltrated state institutions, considering that this is among the necessary steps in order to strengthen the Iraqi state and restore politicians’ confidence.
He concluded by saying that in light of the presence of young people, natural resources, rich history and tourism potential, Iraq is qualified for success, and there will be another missed opportunity in the event that those in power refuse to respond to the calls of the demonstrators who shook the political system in the year 2019 under the slogan: We want a homeland.