Financial expert: power of the national currency is the existence of political and economic stability

Financial expert: power of the national currency is the existence of political and economic stability in the country

Dated: 7/22/2012 8:19:19 Sunday

Baghdad (news) .. Return an expert in financial matters on behalf of the beautiful grounds for refusal of neighboring countries handle dinar to the lack of political and economic stability and security in the country, making their confidence by the weak.
, said Jamil (of the Agency news): The country still suffers from the lack of political stability and security, making the impact direct on the national currency by not dealing with overseas and a lack of confidence in the countries surrounding Iraq to deal with. He added that making the dinar desirable internationally requires the presence of productive sectors sober in the country make it a source of goods to the outside, any foreigner when buying Iraqi currency will be handled through that comes to Iraq, puts it in the issues of tourism or business, stressing that Iraq now has no goods exporter, whether oil. and pointed out: that the tourism sector in Iraq is suffering neglect is the other through which it will encourage neighboring countries to buy the local currency in the hope that Barvunha when they come to Iraq for the purposes of tourism. / Finished / 8. n. r /
Source: ikhnews