Al-Kazemi complains that the caretaker government will remain for 9 months and calls for a solution to the budget issue

Al-Kazemi complains that the caretaker government will remain for 9 months and calls for a solution to the budget issue

2022-08-11 04:26

Al-Kazemi complains that the caretaker government will remain for 9 months and calls for a solution to the budget issueShafaq News/ Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi complained, on Wednesday, that the caretaker government that he heads has remained for 9 months without being able to form a new one during this period of time that followed the early legislative elections in the country, warning at the same time that Iraq will remain without A financial budget for the year 2022, which is nearing completion.

This came in a speech to him during the opening of the cabinet session that was held today, according to a statement issued by Al-Kazemi’s office.

Al-Kazemi said in the speech, “Iraq is facing a real political problem in the post-election stage, and it needs a solution, and the solution requires dialogue, wisdom, and sacrifice, as Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) sacrificed for justice, values, and religion, as well as what is required of Political leaders make sacrifices for the sake of the homeland, and for the sake of our children.”

He added, “The challenges we are facing are reflected in the performance of the government and all Iraqi state institutions. This government spent 28 months, and it is unfortunate that during this period there was only a budget for 6 months, so how can the state function in the absence of a budget?”

Al-Kazemi also said, “We are going through a difficult period, and with all this we have worked to overcome many problems. There were lagging or failed projects that had been planned for many years, and we worked to revive them and turn them into opportunities for success, in rebuilding lagging hospitals and other projects related to electricity oil, gas, and alternative energy, but without a budget, people’s lives will be disrupted.”

He added, “We are now in the eighth month of 2022, and there is no budget, and the imbalance is not in the government, but because of the existing political situation, so how do we build schools, pave roads and build projects with the absence of political consensus on forming the government or finding a solution to the political blockage.”

The Prime Minister warned that “the issue of the budget is a very serious matter,” adding that “we have a good financial abundance and we need to invest it in rebuilding infrastructure and achieving the demands of our honorable people. Good schools, reasonable roads, and effective government institutions.

He pointed out that “the political dispute has begun to reflect on the service reality in the state, and therefore we must look for a solution and I call on everyone to engage in dialogue in all seriousness.”

Al-Kazemi stressed that “dialogue is the only solution to solve our problems and we have no other, but resorting to methods of media escalation, social media, spreading chaos and frustration among people, this will not help in building the modern democratic experience. We are a young democracy, and we need to act according to wisdom. and mind.”

The head of the federal government addressed the Iraqis by saying, “They should know that every day it is delayed in finding a solution to the political impasse, the government is restricted, and it is in a difficult situation in which it is difficult to carry out its duties.”

He explained that “the caretaker government according to the constitution, its work is supposed to be coupled with a short period and not to stay for nine months without a new government, and it is unreasonable for the government to remain tied, and the constitutional deadlines have been exceeded, and we are required to remain a caretaker government; this is not possible.”

Al-Kazemi pointed out that “the political blocs must cooperate with the government to find a solution to the issue of the budget, and we are ready to help and play our role as an executive authority in accordance with the law.”

He stressed that “there must be real political support for the government instead of political differences,” noting that “there are parties that always turn the conflict towards the government, and the government has nothing to do with it, as we are not a party to the political conflict.”

Al-Kazemi said, “We went through an ordeal during the past two or three weeks, and, thank God, the crisis was dealt calmly, and we succeeded in not having Iraqi blood flowing on Iraqi soil, and we will continue with this approach.”

He also warned that, “Those who think that this government is working to strain the atmosphere are mistaken. We have said since the first day: We are ready to hand over power to any elected government, and at the moment the political blocs agree, we are ready. What is the talk about the government or the Prime Minister working? For obstructing the formation of the government or the solution is nothing but nonsense; who is the one who accepts to stay in these difficult circumstances?”

Al-Kazemi continued by saying that “the story is not a position story, but a success story, either we are successful and accept the challenge, or the political blocs must accept their role to find a solution to the blockage, in order to move towards a bright Iraq with an opportunity for hope, and we must be optimistic, and not A solution is through dialogue.

The Prime Minister concluded his speech by saying that “we presented an initiative and it was approved by most of the political blocs, and we are still working to create an opportunity for dialogue. We must preserve our democratic system, and we must correct if there are wrong paths or that there are paragraphs in the constitution, correction or change.” There must be consensus on it from all the Iraqi people.”