A bond identifies 4 “surplus” financial sources to revitalize the Iraqi economy
A bond identifies 4 “surplus” financial sources to revitalize the Iraqi economy
Information / Baghdad..
On Saturday, Representative Mustafa Sanad identified 4 financial sources that enable the government to revitalize the wheel of the economy and reconstruction in Iraq.
Sanad said in a Facebook post seen by / the information / that “the Central Bank’s reserves have overflowed with money that can be invested as financial bonds, development initiatives and stimulating loans in coordination with the Ministry of Finance.”
He added, “There is a surplus in the financial treasury that can be invested by paying the dues of contracts, procedures, lecturers, farmers, contractors, and absorbing the new employment,” noting that “the surplus in the secondary currency is estimated at 100 trillion dinars that can be invested in revitalizing the economy and building a giant strategic industry that absorbs part of unemployment and the development of the import alternatives industry.” “.
And he cautioned that “part of the exported crude oil is droning on China in exchange for the implementation of reconstruction.” finished/25h