Urgent: Delete the payment on credit from the budget and al-Abadi told us not to be challenged
Urgent financial parliamentary: Delete the payment on credit from the budget and al-Abadi told us not to be challenged
2015/12/15 13:36
[Baghdad – where]
the parliamentary Finance Committee announced on Tuesday the cancellation of payment on credit of the draft budget law next year 2016.
He said the Commission’s decision Ahmed al-Haj told all of Iraq [where], “The budget has been completed, and Tbakat only need to proofreading and legal drafting,” noting that it “will be presented to everyone to consider the observations of Representatives and the political blocs, if any, to be sent to the Presidency of the Parliament and be ultimately formula agreed, “indicating me,” and there are suggestions it until now.
“He said” make transfers to the popular crowd and displaced persons within the budget, “referring to the” Delete payment on credit of the bill, estimated at five trillion dinars, “pointing to” the lack of any change in loans Foreign and incorporated them a copy of the budget sent by the government remain the same.
“The Haj” The latest revised version of the budget bill arrived from the government on the sixth of this month, “likely” to pass the budget session the House of Representatives for tomorrow.
“ruled out” challenged the government in the budget in 2016, “he said.” We met with the prime minister [Haider al-Abadi] and we agreed with him on the paragraphs that have been added and which have been modified and have expressed their approval and comments on some of them, al-Abadi said at the end of the session is not [our intention to sue about the budget] items.
“He explained that “Revenues in the budget amounted to 81 trillion dinars, and expenses of more than 105 trillion, while the deficit was 24.194 trillion dinars [22.8% of total budget expenditures and the price of oil to $ 45,” pointing out that “Iraq sells currently dollars with 30 oil.”
The Haj “The budget when put price of oil was $ 60, and when it was sent to the House of Representatives record by $ 45,” noting that “we can give a real figure, but he is added to the deficit and therefore it creates a problem and this difficult issue.”
The parliamentary Finance Committee, announced today to complete the draft 2016 budget law, referring to the law introduced in the parliament session on Wednesday to discuss.
It is said that the parliament has ended in 22 of its last month’s discussion of the draft 2016 budget law, while the cabinet reshuffled them to reduce Aladz.anthy 2