Urgent Chinese scientists flee to western countries … and terrifying information about Corona

Urgent Chinese scientists flee to western countries … and terrifying information about Corona

07/12/2020 08:55:13

Urgent Chinese scientists flee to western countries ... and terrifying information about CoronaInternational: Al Furat News: Stephen Bannon, former chief adviser to US President Donald Trump for strategic affairs, revealed that scientists and experts from the Wuhan Virus Laboratory had fled to Europe and America during the past months, and provided information on the origin of the Corona virus for the intelligence of these countries.
Steve Bannon told the Daily Mail that experts confirmed that the Corona virus epidemic was caused by a leak from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan in late December.
“I know that some of the dissidents are working with the FBI to try to uncover what happened at the Wuhan Institute, it was horrificly managed,”
he said, adding: “A lot of people from Wuhan lab and other labs in China have come to the west and provide evidence of party involvement. Chinese Communist in the outbreak, ”he continued,“ I think people will be shocked. ”
He revealed that these scientists are now not allowed to speak to the media until they are interrogated by intelligence agencies in America, Europe, and the United Kingdom.
Bannon pointed to the“ intelligence ”of spy agencies in Dealing with this file, stressing, “There is very convincing evidence of China’s involvement.”
He also pointed out that American intelligence, along with British intelligence, is trying to build a very accurate legal case, and this may take some time.
Bannon said: “The virus leaked either through an unintended error, or through a technical malfunction in the laboratory. It is not difficult for these viruses to leak and that is why these labs are very dangerous.”
He considered that what happened was “a Chernobyl biological in Wuhan, and the Chinese government has covered up the epidemic, which contributed to its spread.”
Bannon stressed that regardless of whether the virus first appeared on the market or leaked from the laboratory, subsequent Communist Party decisions put them accountable for murder for covering up the virus.
He said: “If they had been frank and honest in the last week of December, it would have been possible to avoid nearly 95% of the loss of life and economic loss.”
He criticized Chinese leaders for “taking advantage of the time to collect personal protective equipment from the world,” saying that “this is a fatal dictatorship.”
Li Mingyan, a Chinese virologist, had told Fox News that her bosses had tried to silence her when she spoke with them about an infectious disease transmitted between humans in December last year, confirming that the Chinese government had tried to cover up the truth of the deadly virus.
Said Yan, who was working at the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong, and is a reference laboratory for the World Health Organization, in the exclusive interview with the US television station that she believed that the Chinese authorities had known that there is a virus deadly but refrained from announced to Fterh.anthy
Ammar al – Masoudi
