Trump signed a law on Iraq .. This content

Trump signed a law on Iraq .. This content

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 13:10 PM

Trump signed a law on Iraq .. This contentBaghdad / Sky Press

US President Donald Trump signed the Iraq Genocide Accountability Act to try perpetrators of crimes against humanity and to direct humanitarian aid, stability and recovery assistance to different minorities in the two countries.
“The bill directs the State Department to encourage foreign governments to identify and prosecute persons suspected of crimes against humanity, genocide or war crimes, including members of foreign terrorist organizations operating in Iraq,” White House deputy spokesman Lindsay Walters said in a press release. Or Syria, “according to Reuters news agency.
“The administration of President Trump remains committed to defeating the so-called (da’ash) and providing constant support to the individuals targeted by their efforts,” she said.
“The law was passed unanimously by the Republican and Democratic parties in the House and Senate.