The US Secretary of State is commenting on Al-Zarfi’s mandate and talks about a set of conditions in exchange for his support
The US Secretary of State is commenting on Al-Zarfi’s mandate and talks about a set of conditions in exchange for his support
03/18/2020 00:23
Baghdad today – follow up
On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented on assigning Adnan Al-Zarfi to form the next Iraqi government, while he talked about a set of conditions in exchange for his support.
“The Iraqis want a government that supports the sovereignty of Iraq, provides basic needs, is free of corruption, and protects their human rights,” Pompeo said in a tweet on Twitter.
He added, “If Adnan Zorfi, the newly appointed Prime Minister, places these interests first, he will have American and international support.”
On Tuesday (17 March 2020), President of the Republic, Barham Salih, commissioned the head of the parliamentary victory bloc, Adnan Al-Zarfi, to form the new government, succeeding the former commissioner, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, who presented an official apology for forming the government.
Then, during the commissioning ceremony that took place in the Peace Palace in Baghdad, President Saleh expressed his “wishes to the Prime Minister in charge of success and success in his new duties, to conduct early and fair elections, achieve the aspirations of Iraqis, and to meet the legitimate demands of peaceful protesters through the implementation of reforms Required, and to maintain the sovereignty, stability and security of Iraq. ”
Saleh added, “Iraq deserves the best and its people to make the great sacrifices for the sake of a free and dignified life and a promising future for all of its people.” ”