The UN representative in Iraq comments on Al-Zarrafi’s mandate to form the new government
The UN representative in Iraq comments on Al-Zarrafi’s mandate to form the new government
03/17/2020 14:02
Baghdad today – Baghdad
Jenin Blackshart, the UN representative in Iraq, commented, on Tuesday (17 March 2020), on the assignment of Adnan Al-Zarfi to form the new Iraqi government, while expressing her welcome to this mandate.
The UNAMI mission in Iraq, tweeting on the “Twitter” platform, followed by (Baghdad Today), said that “Blashart welcomes the appointment of a candidate for prime minister to form the government.”
She added, “In the face of unprecedented security, political, economic and health crises, Iraq is in urgent need of an effective ministerial cabinet.”
“The new government has a hard work ahead of it, and support from all political forces is critical to national unity and success,” Blashardt said.
The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, after his assignment to Al-Zrafi, expressed his wishes to complete his duties and hold early elections.
The media office of the President of the Republic, in a statement, stated that the latter “assigned Adnan Al-Zarfi to head the cabinet and form the new government for the next period.”
During the commissioning ceremony that took place in the Peace Palace in Baghdad, the President expressed his “wishes for the Prime Minister in charge of success and success in his new tasks, to conduct early and fair elections, achieve the aspirations of Iraqis, and to meet the legitimate demands of peaceful protesters by carrying out the required reforms, and to preserve On the sovereignty, stability and security of Iraq. ”
Saleh added, “Iraq deserves the best and its people to make the great sacrifices for a free and dignified life and a promising future for all of its people.” He pointed out that “many tasks and benefits awaiting the Iraqi people with all its components and spectrum are still before us, and it is a trust and responsibility in our necks that we all strive to achieve.” “.