The UN representative in Iraq asks Parliament to complete the election law as soon as possible [expanded]

The UN representative in Iraq asks Parliament to complete the election law as soon as possible [expanded]

3/3/2020 18:45

The UN representative in Iraq asks Parliament to complete the election law as soon as possible[Follow-up] Where the
UN envoy, Jenin Blackshart, confirmed that there are armed groups outside the Iraqi state that prevent him from working normally, asking Parliament to complete the election law as soon as possible.
“The human rights violations to which the Iraqis are subjected must be recognized and the state must protect the demonstrators to try the perpetrators of the violations,” said Blakshat during a Security Council session on Iraq in New York.

And she stated that “there are armed groups outside the Iraqi state that prevent him from operating normally since the security picture in Iraq is complex and armed groups are spreading the streets,” calling for “the dissolution of illegal armed groups in Iraq.”

She added that “the demonstrations in Iraq did not take place overnight and will not be resolved in a moment and the participation of women in unprecedented demonstrations in Iraq,” noting that “every political party must work to restore the confidence of the Iraqi street,” noting that “reform of the system An Iraqi from corruption is necessary to achieve a better life. ”

And she stressed that “the special party interests hinder the success of Iraq,” noting that “the threat of terrorism in Iraq cannot be ignored and that ISIS is trying to escalate.”

Blackshart added: “The rule of law must be strengthened and opportunities for a solution in Iraq will become more and more narrow,” indicating that “a period of 15 days to name an alternative to Allawi is not sufficient to reach a political agreement,” calling on “Parliament to complete the election law as soon as possible.”