The rule of law: the region’s share of the IMF loan will go to the family Albarzanah

The rule of law: the region’s share of the IMF loan will go to the family Albarzanah

Wednesday 18 May 2016 | 18:19

The rule of law - the regions share of the IMF loan will go to the family AlbarzanahBAGHDAD / .. confirmed a coalition of state law, led by Nuri al-Maliki, Wednesday, that the Kurdistan region is not worth 17% of the loan obtained by Iraq from the International Monetary Fund, noting that the loan funds in the event of going to give it Albarzanah family.

The Coalition MP Ibtisam al-Hilali’s “Eye of Iraq News,” “The government of Kurdistan, the federal government had not been delivered since 2005, oil imports, money and even the Kurdish people do not know where to go money their oil,” indicating that “the Kurds are taking advantage of the weakness of the government and the intensity of the political differences in order to pass the conditions in which gains them Vmassalham nationalism above everything. ”

And it showed al-Hilali said, “International Monetary Fund loan to restore some of the liberated areas of Aldoaash Is Kurdistan affected by these wars,” adding that “the Kurdistan region is not worth 17% of the loan in the event to give them will go the money to the family Albarzanah Kurdish parties participating government of the region.”

As an MP I expected for mass independent, Samira al-Moussawi, said on Wednesday the return of Kurds to resume their duties in the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives, having secured 17% of the loan obtained by Iraq from the International Monetary Fund.

The International Monetary Fund has agreed, on Tuesday, to give Iraq a loan of 13 billion dollars with an interest rate of 1.5% .anthy 9