The first Kurdish comment on Al-Zarfi’s mandate to form a government

The first Kurdish comment on Al-Zarfi’s mandate to form a government

03/17/2020 12:10

The first Kurdish comment on Al-Zarfis mandate to form a governmentBaghdad today – private

Rep. Salam, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, blessed, on Tuesday (17 March 2020), assigning the head of the parliamentary victory bloc, Adnan Al-Zarfi, to form the new government, while he warned him against the steps that failed Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

Salam said, in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that “the Kurds have no problem with the names, and we bless the commissioner Adnan Al-Zarfi and wish him success.”

Salam called on “who is charged with forming the new government to pay attention to the steps that failed, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi,” calling on him to “preserve the rights of the components and deal with them according to the constitution.”

A member of the Democratic Party confirmed that “negotiation and dialogue will be the master of the situation with the Kurdish parties,” pointing out that “the Kurdish blocs will support him, if he is committed to implementing the constitution and maintains balance and partnership.”

On Tuesday (17 March 2020), President of the Republic, Barham Salih, commissioned the head of the parliamentary victory bloc, Adnan Al-Zarfi, to form the new government, succeeding the former commissioner, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, who presented an official apology for forming the government.

A well-informed political source said, in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that “the President of the Republic, formally assigned Adnan Al-Zarfi, to form the new government, in the presence of the President of the Federal Court, Medhat Al-Mahmoud, and a number of deputies in the Peace Palace in Baghdad.”

He added, “The president of the republic commissioned Al-Zarfi to form the government, after exercising his constitutional powers.”