The evacuation of the US embassy after the protesters went to

The evacuation of the US embassy after the protesters went to

Views: 3141 Published on: 30-04-2016, 15:24

The evacuation of the US embassy after the protesters went toBAGHDAD / Sky Press:
An official source revealed on Saturday for the US embassy in Baghdad to evacuate all its staff after the demonstrators went to it.

The source told “Sky Press,” that “the US embassy in Baghdad evacuated this afternoon, after the entire staff went completely demonstrators.”

The US Embassy is located in the heart of the Green Zone, the largest center for the presence of the Americans in Baghdad.

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr said on Saturday, lack of participation in any political process that involves seizing partisan, with better survival among Iraqis quotas or topple the government Bokelmha.

The demonstrators, followers of the Sadrist movement stormed, today, Saturday, the House of Representatives, while the vandalized cars officials, some of them directed toward the US embassy in the Green Zone.

The Presidency of the Council of Representatives on Saturday, decided to raise the 27 parliamentary session of the second legislative term of the second legislative year to the next week for lack of quorum.

The agency “AFP” revealed on Saturday, threatening the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr broke into the “Green Zone and demonstrate its center, if the cabinet reshuffle has not been completed in the parliament session today.

The House of Representatives has given confidence, last Tuesday, to only five ministers, to replace other place, while the vote was taken during the meeting which was attended by Abadi amid a tense atmosphere, with opposition deputies refused to Speaker Salim al-Jubouri called for his dismissal before that. It is expected to vote in today’s session on the other candidates for ministerial portfolios.