Talabani’s doctor: untrue news of the death of President of the Republic
Talabani’s doctor: untrue news of the death of President of the Republic
Thursday, 30 January 2014 17:42
[Kirkuk – where]
Denied Najm al-Din Omar Karim governor of Kirkuk and authorized statement about the health of President Jalal Talabani, the news about the death of the latter in a hospital in the German capital Berlin.
Karim said the reporter Agency all of Iraq [where] there was “no truth to the news of the death of President Talabani,” stressing that “these reports are baseless.”
He called cream, a professor in the nervous system, and the media to be accurate in the information transfer, and taken from official sources and vested in this aspect. ”
The news sites Arab media had said on Thursday that “President Jalal Talabani, has died in a German hospital treating the effect of exposure to a stroke over a year ago.”
It was reported that “information indicating that he was transferred to the body of Talabani, the Kurdistan region is very confidential manner, by order of the region’s president, Massoud Barzani, and will not be disclosed until after his death the next parliamentary elections in April next year.”
Talabani had suffered a stroke in 17 of the last month of December 2012 and was admitted to the Medical City hospital in Baghdad and medical delegation visited Germany to stand on his condition and decided to move it after three days to the German capital for the purpose of treatment. Ended 35