Soon .. A Kurdish delegation visits Baghdad to sign the comprehensive agreement and deliver oil and ports

Soon .. A Kurdish delegation visits Baghdad to sign the comprehensive agreement and deliver oil and ports

07/31 2020 13:19

Soon .. A Kurdish delegation visits Baghdad to sign the comprehensive agreement and deliver oil and portsBaghdad today – Baghdad

A government source familiar with, on Friday (July 31, 2020), revealed a forthcoming visit by a Kurdish delegation to Baghdad, to discuss the delivery of oil and border ports in the Kurdistan region, through American and European mediation.

The source said, in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that “it is scheduled that the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit Baghdad after the Eid al-Adha holiday in order to sign the comprehensive agreement.”

He added, “Baghdad and Erbil have ended all outstanding problems with regard to oil and border crossings, and there is an agreement to deliver 250 thousand barrels of oil and 50% of the revenue from border crossings.”

The source, who preferred not to be named, said that “until now, no agreement has been reached on the amount sent from Baghdad to Kurdistan, and there are negotiations to increase the additional 50 billion to be sufficient to pay the salaries of employees and peshmerga.”

And that “there was American mediation and the European Union mission to solve the problems and it is likely that a comprehensive agreement will be signed during the upcoming visit of the delegation of the region.”