Security expert: The Patriot system that America wants to install in Iraq does not fall within the strategic agreement

Security expert: The Patriot system that America wants to install in Iraq does not fall within the strategic agreement

5/2/2020 10:32 AM

Security expert - The Patriot system that America wants to install in Iraq does not fall within the strategic agreement(Baghdad: Al Furat News) Today, Wednesday, the security expert, Fadel Abu Ragheef, confirmed that the American Patriot system came in response to the enthusiastic statements made by political forces regarding contracting the Russian S-300 or S-400 missile system and this system had paid Turkey has a high price when it contracted with Russia, he said.
He added in a press statement, “The United States wants to install the Patriot system through the bases and places of the center and south, where it could be in the Kurdistan region or remote border areas adjacent to Jordan, Syria or Kuwait.”

And on whether the installation of this system is part of the strategic framework agreement, Abu Ragheef says it is “not part of this agreement, but it may enter into it on the grounds that the US-led international coalition in Iraq is charged with protecting the borders of Iraq and any external attack on Iraq.” is over

Mohammed Al-Marsoumi