Russian general: Our response may be nuclear

Russian general: Our response may be nuclear

2015/12/21 17:19

Russian general - Our response may be nuclear[Follow-where]
hinted chief of staff of the air force satellite and Deputy Force Commander Gen. Pavel Kurathenko Monday, he said his country’s response might be a nuclear targeted against any aggression.
Said Gen. Pavel Kurathenko through technical scientific conference held in Moscow “One of the priorities of the development of this type of forces is to promote satellite group of the defense space on orbit, in terms of numbers and quality.”
He Gen. hope in application development forces and achieve the goals set plans in this area by the year 2021. He added, “will allow the capacity of the poll system and alarm to ensure receipt of prior warnings about any air or space attack in order to take a decision on the response, including response using strategic nuclear forces.”
He said Kurathenko to defend the air space effective for the country discourage enemies for aggression, but without such a defense effective system is inevitable suffered defeat in the war.
He stressed that effective defense guarantee requires taking defensive and offensive both procedures, noting that “the driving forces air space is actively working to improve the management elements of the striking system, so After that was the defensive elements in the previous period developed more of the striking elements.
“Kurathenko and stressed that the strengthening of air capacity satellite Russian degree included inflicting a crushing losses troops striker, is contributing to the strategic stability.
He continued that the tendencies of the development of weapons in the world analysis, paid to predictions that the nature of the risk posed to Russia’s air space and level Sitagaran radically by the year 2025.anthy