Politician advises Al-Zarfi to apologize because he did not come with a Shiite will or a majority, and this is contrary to usual

Politician advises Al-Zarfi to apologize because he did not come with a Shiite will or a majority, and this is contrary to usual

3/19/2020 14:27

Politician advises Al-Zarfi to apologize because he did not come with a Shiite will or a majority and this is contrary to usual[Baghdad-Ain]

A prominent Iraqi politician, former member of parliament, Izzat al-Shabandar, confirmed on Thursday that the Prime Minister-designate Adnan al-Zarfi did not come with a Shiite will or a majority, and while he advised him to apologize for his assignment, he affirmed al-Zarfi’s “bias” to the American side.
Shabandar said in a televised interview, “Adnan Al-Zarfi did not come with a Shiite will or a majority, and this is contrary to the usual,” noting that “it is not the right of the President of the Republic to nominate, but rather to assign.”

Shabandar added, “The Shiite leaders have been informed that they have no problem with him, but they are against the way he was assigned and do not want to pass that bad year,” noting that “Al-Zarfi is advised to apologize for the assignment.”

Shabandar stressed that “Al-Zrafi came biased towards the American side and not to find a balance in the relationship between Washington and Tehran,” describing the tweet of the US Secretary of State regarding Al-Zorfi’s assignment as “a blatant interference.”

And Shabandar saw that “if the Shiite forces are not freed from unanimity, then there will be no progress,” noting that “there is a strong rush to correct the path and go towards the majority instead of unanimity.”

And on the nomination of Naim Al-Suhail for prime minister, Shabandar explained that “the coalition of the rule of law is the one who nominated Al-Suhail, but he dispensed with it after 24 hours,” noting that “Al-Suhail got a near-consensus.”
