Parliamentary weightings to announce the formation of Allawi’s government within two weeks

Parliamentary weightings to announce the formation of Allawi’s government within two weeks

2/5/2020 17:46

Parliamentary weightings to announce the formation of Allawis government within two weeks[Baghdad-Ain]
Deputy Muhammad al-Khalidi on Wednesday suggested completing the vote on the new government within two weeks from today.
Al-Khalidi said, in a press statement, that “Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi started consultations to form the new government cabinet,” noting that “within two weeks or less, Allawi will complete his documents and will be voted on in the House of Representatives.”

He added, “The House of Representatives will hold an extraordinary session at the request of Allawi to vote on the new squad.”

On Wednesday, the deputy from the Construction Alliance, Manar Al-Shadidi, revealed that there is political pressure exerted towards the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for the survival of four ministers within the government of resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, most notably the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Oil.