Parliamentary Finance: We will not pass a budget that contains external loans

Parliamentary Finance: We will not pass a budget that contains external loans


Parliamentary Finance - We will not pass a budget that contains external loans[Baghdad-Where]
Member of Parliamentary Finance, Haneen al-Qadu, revealed, on Saturday, an agreement to prevent the government from external loans in the budget for the current year, indicating that foreign loans weaken national sovereignty and shackle Iraq in preconditions.
Al-Kiddo said in a press statement, “The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives agreed not to pass any budget that contains external loans to pay salaries.”
He added that “the committee suggested to the current government to rely on internal loans and financing from banks and diversify sources of income until oil prices improve without relying on the World Bank fund and the International Monetary Fund.”

Al-Qudo said, “The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund put annually dozens of conditions that limit the sovereignty of Iraq in order to give him some money, the first of which is to issue a decision not to appoint or undertake economic reform as well as the amount of interest on external loans.”