Parliamentary Finance presents a proposal to the government to prepare a semi-annual budget for the next six months remaining this year

Parliamentary Finance presents a proposal to the government to prepare a semi-annual budget for the next six months remaining this year

Wednesday 1 July 2020 | 10:42 am

Parliamentary Finance presents a proposal to the government to prepare a semi-annual budget for the next six months remaining this yearBaghdad / .. The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives has proposed that the government prepare a semi-annual budget for the next six months remaining of this year 2020 and send it to the House of Representatives for approval, in order to conduct the state’s financial affairs, after it ended yesterday, Tuesday, June 30, the legal period supposed to send the budget General 2020 to Parliament without accomplishing this.

The decision of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Ahmad Al-Saffar said in a press statement: The committee was waiting for the government to send the budget to the parliament yesterday, Tuesday 6/30 according to the scheduled date, indicating that after the budget delay, the government will rely on the monthly interim budget 1/12.

He stressed that the government should not rely on the 12/12 monthly budget for 2019, because the disbursement and revenue process needs a legal cover represented by the budget law, explaining that either a monthly budget is approved, or a bi-annual budget law is sent for approval in the House of Representatives.

He added that work without a headquarters budget law; The parliament will not be allowed to exercise its oversight role over exchange and revenue, so we await the government’s opinion, explaining that legal solutions lie in the approval law, and it is not a substitute for the budget, so the committee agreed to pass the budget so that the government can provide liquidity to implement its obligations, and that what is related to exchange Revenue must have legal cover.

Al-Saffar reiterated that the implementation of Law 12/1 is not permissible in such circumstances, because the general situation of the country differed, and everything related to revenues, oil prices and exchange gates also changed, so without a budget approval the government is not entitled to receive any revenue, and the only legal cover It is the budget law.

He pointed out that the committee communicates with each other via the Internet because of the health status of the Corona pandemic and the disruption of the council, noting that the proposals that the government must legally put in place are for the government to send a bi-annual budget for the next six months; Includes the operational budget only, and part of the investment approved by the House of Representatives within the borrowing law, and up to 15 percent of the amounts borrowed for ongoing projects in the 2019 budget law, and approved in the House of Representatives, with work to prepare the budget of 2021 in both its operational and investment aspects, and that is the legal solution .

Al-Saffar stressed that the government should focus on the operational side of the semi-annual budget, as well as focus on moving the investment part for 2020 to the budget of 2021, and that the government start preparing a draft budget for 2021. End 4