Parliamentary Finance: No income tax on salaries
Parliamentary Finance: No income tax on salaries
08:51 – 10/19/2020
BAGHDAD – Mawazine News
The Finance Committee in Parliament confirmed, on Monday, that the government cannot apply income tax on salaries and allowances without a law.
Committee member Ahmed Haji Rashid said, “There are allegations that the government intends to apply the income tax law to the total salary since the current month of October, as the Ministry of Finance imposes an income tax of 3% to 15% on the nominal salary of employees,” adding: ” This cannot be implemented without a law issued by the government. ”
Meanwhile, Committee member Jamal Cougar stressed that “in the event that such a trend exists, it can be included in the budget for next year.”
Cougar said, “This talk is prevalent among citizens, but it cannot be applied, and if there is such a trend, it can be included in the 2021 budget.” Ended 29 / A43