Parliamentary Finance: Iraq’s economy is subject to collapse in 2023 … difficult decisions ahead
Parliamentary Finance: Iraq’s economy is subject to collapse in 2023 … difficult decisions ahead
03/06/2020 10:23:37
{Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Parliamentary Finance Committee warned that Iraq’s economy would collapse if the current fiscal policy in the state administration continues.
The head of the committee, Haitham al-Jabouri, told the Euphrates, that “the financial revenues are low and the economy of Iraq is subject to urgent collapse and decline in the year 2023,” noting that “the expenditures increased very significantly and we face a huge deficit.”
“We want the next prime minister to make economic and economic decisions that may be painful and difficult for some merchants and beneficiaries of corrupt employees and some parties that control certain benefits,” he added.
Al-Jubouri pointed out that “external borrowing is a danger to the future of the country. As for the internal, it may expose banks to bankruptcy.”
He pointed out that “setting a new salary scale may affect some ministries because some of its employees take 10 times the salary of a similar employee in another ministry,” noting that “the value of the salaries of state institutions and departments in 2020 will be around 52 trillion dinars, and this may double in the coming years if it is not We find instead of a policy of appointments. ”
He noted that “more than 200,000 employees are referred for retirement according to the new pension law, and graduate studies graduates will have priority in appointment and fill this job vacancy.”
He continued, “The issuance of the last retirement law had significant lapses due to pressure on the political and popular government. We may make amendments to it in 2020 and we will meet with the retirement committee to conduct a comprehensive review of the law in the next legislative term and discuss any lapses and errors and the possibility of amending them.”
The chairman of the parliamentary finance that “some of the ministries of the outgoing government , Adel Abdul – Mahdi was the most corrupt since 2003 , and another witness have integrity , ” noting that ” the diversity of corruption in appointments and projects a swing between the Ministry and other” .anthy
Ammar al – Masoudi