Parliamentary close to him: Al Zorfi team started today to choose the personalities of the ministerial cabinet

Parliamentary close to him: Al Zorfi team started today to choose the personalities of the ministerial cabinet

3/22/2020 15:05

Parliamentary close to him - Al Zorfi team started today to choose the personalities of the ministerial cabinet[Baghdad-Ain]
Member of Parliament Nada Shaker Jawdat confirmed, on Sunday, that the team of Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zarfi started from today to choose the cabinet, indicating that Al-Zarfi will form his government according to the merits of the components.

Jawdafi said in a press statement that “the Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zarfi gave the green light to his political team to start today, selecting the personalities that will be nominated for the ministerial portfolios.”

She added that “through my proximity and contact with Al-Zarfi, I learned that the team has set specifications for choosing the next cabinet ministerial personalities, including taking into account the electoral merit of the components and the selection of independent, professional and competent personalities.”

The Kurdistan Alliance MP, Salim Hamzah, had denied in a previous statement the existence of contacts between the Kurdish forces and the Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zarfi regarding the file of forming the government, indicating that the coalition forces are awaiting the outcome of the Shiite house meetings.