Parliamentary: America does not want Chinese companies or experts to arrive in Iraq in any way

Parliamentary: America does not want Chinese companies or experts to arrive in Iraq in any way

3/19/2020 11:34

Parliamentary - America does not want Chinese companies or experts to arrive in Iraq in any way[Baghdad-Where]
Member of Parliamentary Planning Committee Muhammad al-Baldawi revealed Thursday that attempts are being made by the United States of America and Gulf countries to disrupt Chinese companies before their arrival in Iraq.

Al-Baldawi said in a press statement that “America does not want companies or experts from China to reach Iraq in any way”, indicating that “Gulf countries have started attempts to recruit agents to prevent any companies or teams from China from reaching the Middle East region, especially Iraq.” .
He added, “The political and economic relations between Iraq and the People’s Republic of China are constantly increasing and there is joint cooperation in all fields,” noting that “the conditions the world is going through as a result of the Corona epidemic was a reason for postponing the arrival of Chinese companies to Iraq.”
The representative of the al-Hikma movement, Hassan Khalati, had revealed earlier that America had asked Prime Minister Adel Abdel-Mahdi to appoint lawyers to cancel the Chinese agreement, while Abdel-Mahdi refused