Obama “upset” of political speeches against the Muslims of America
Obama “upset” of political speeches against the Muslims of America
Posted 05/12/2015 07:51 PM
White House spokesman “Josh Ernest,” said the president, “Barack Obama” feel disturbed by the anti-political speeches of the Muslims, which has become widespread in recent times in the country, and “thought to be incompatible with American values.” This came in response “Ernest” Exhibition , to press questions, through the daily Press conference, which was held at the White House, in Washington, during which he dealt with the anti-political speeches of the Muslims, on the offensive background of the French capital Paris, earlier last month, and attack the state of California and armed, which occurred last Wednesday. He added The US official saying that “President Obama expressed concern about the irresponsible and repulsive anti-Muslim political speeches, spread over the past few months, and is believed to be incompatible with American values.” He explained, “Ernest” to “Obama” I consider that the targeting of Muslims, or the practice of exclusion against them “serve the letters of enemies only.” He said the White House spokesman said: “The targeting of certain people because of their beliefs, is incompatible with the principles and values of the United States.” It should be noted that recently, witnessing the remarkable speeches of some politicians in the United States, especially Republicans opponents to receive the refugees Suriean in the country, include anti-phrases for the Muslims, and I began to spread after the Paris attacks.