New Russian missile capable of dropping satellites

New Russian missile capable of dropping satellites


New Russian missile capable of dropping satellitesResearcher Tayeh Hussein Massoud / media reported US-Russian rocket successfully continued to experience Mnthomh “a -235 Nodol” anti-missile, which is capable of satellites flying drop in orbit around the Earth, according to the Pentagon.
It is planned that the system “a -235 Nodol” replace the new system “a -135 Amur” assigned to protect the atmosphere of the Russian capital from potential missile attacks. In November last Gen. John Haitn, commander of the Space Command in the US Air Force, announced that Russia and China Tsamman weapons that could threaten satellites vital to the United States.
The newspaper “the Colorado Springs Gazette” Haitn quoted as saying: “They are designing means (offensive) that give rise to concern.”
For its part, the newspaper “The Washington Free Beacon” Remember that military analysts Americans point out that the new threat facing satellite America reveals the fragility of the US military strategy, it will be able to Russia or China disabled poll devices and satellite navigation and communication of particular importance.
Colonel Andre Chepourin, a Russian space Air Force leaders, said a few days ago that the anti-missile system, which protects the atmosphere of Moscow deal directly with the alarm rocket attacks and cosmic space control systems, according to the newspaper wrote, “Rossiiskaya Gazeta”.