Magda Tamimi: $ 100 billion size of the debt on Iraq
Magda Tamimi: $ 100 billion size of the debt on Iraq
28.9.2016 15:32
[Special Oan-]
said a member of the parliamentary finance committee, Majida al – Tamimi, the debt on the size of Iraq amounted to $ 100 billion.
Said al – Tamimi told all of Iraq [where], that “Iraq is required now more than $ 100 billion of internal and external debts accumulated , ” noting that ” the debt announced by the Cabinet yesterday to 5.6 trillion dinars size is not the truth now, but current but our internal and external debt accumulated. ”
She pointed out that” the direction of the government ‘s past to reduce spending and this is something good and positive, but we hope to play together with the parliament steps to prepare the budget and there will be further cuts in spending for the existence of exchange is not justified in a lot of negative expenditure and this is not to criticize the government, but to correct the tracks . ” .
she said Tamimi , “certainly we will bring solutions so that the government can reduce spending and not resort to further debt that sank in Iraq and we reached out to scratch by our agreement with the Paris Club countries and this is not permissible to point out that there are fiscal and monetary policies is wrong in the country must be corrected . ” .
It pointed out that ” the parliament had not received so far , the draft general financial state budget law for 2017 , ” referring to “determine the price of a barrel of oil in the budget at $ 42 and we would have preferred to be at least $ 40 for non – risk and be on the safe side with the vagaries of the market.”
the Council of Ministers approved in its meeting on Tuesday, to amend the bill the federal budget for fiscal year 2017, to be the price of a barrel of oil to $ 42, and have export ceiling of 3.75 million barrels per day, and reduce expenses to 90.224 trillion dinars [$ 77 billion], and that the size of the debt will be 5.608 trillion dinars. ”