Large amounts of government budget is doomed …..

Large amounts of government budget is doomed …..

Wednesday, 02 January 2019 at 13:43 PM

Large amounts of government budget is doomed .....Baghdad / Sky Press

In a dangerous statement, the former MP Mithal al-Alusi said today that the Iraqi budget goes from large funds to finance the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah in Lebanon, militias in Iraq and militias in Syria.

“The United States and the European Union have information, funded by these bodies of the budget of Iraq,” stressing that “Iraq is now hostage to Iran, especially that there is a large parliamentary bloc in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, its deputies is a follow-up to Qasim Soleimani “He said.

While the leadership of Atheel Nujaifi this charge saying that “hundreds of billions of dollars from the budget of Iraq goes to finance Iran’s wars in the region.”

“We must look for the fate of hundreds of billions of dollars that disappeared from the Iraqi budget, and no one knows where to go.