“Islamic state” claimed responsibility for the attack: Obama asserts that America “will not be intimidated”

With the announcement of “Islamic state” claimed responsibility for the attack: Obama asserts that America “will not be intimidated” after the shooting in California

DECEMBER 5, 2015

Islamic state claimed responsibility for the attack - Obama asserts that America will not be intimidatedSan Bernardino, California (United States) (AFP) – US President Barack Obama stressed on Saturday that the United States “will not be intimidated” after the shooting in California that killed 14 people in the organization of the Islamic state stressed that the perpetrators of the attack Mnasran him .
The President promised to come and the position of the jihadists after the announcement of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was investigating the shooting in San Bernandino, Calif. Wednesday as an “act of terrorism”.
Obama said Syed Farooq, 28, and his wife, Yasin Malik of Pakistan, which killed 14 people and wounded 21 others during the year-end ceremony in the community center for the care of the disabled “are likely to be the attackers to commit this extreme action of terrorism.”
Obama said in his weekly Saturday: “We are Americans. We will defend Qamna- a free society and Mnafth- We are strong and Nthaly rigidity and will not succumb to intimidation. ”
“We know that the organization of the Islamic state and encourage other groups in the world and in our country, people to commit terrible acts of violence and in most cases they act individually.”
And shoot in California is considered the deadliest in the United States since the massacre in Newtown School in 2012.
The organization of the Islamic state has said Saturday on Radio “statement” speaking in his name that the two “supporters” San Bernardino carried out the attack in the United States, without formally adopts the assault.
The cited regulation in the published radio news in Arabic, following the news “attacked two supporters of the Islamic state a few days ago a center in the city of San Bernardino in California, and opened fire inside the center, resulting in the destruction of fourteen people and injuring more than two dozen others.”
He added, “then an exchange of fire with US Tardthma police for several hours causing the deaths occurred.”
According to investigators, the FBI, the shooting Wednesday carefully prepared for him, but nothing so far shows that the couple, who carried out the attack, members of the organization or “cell group”.
The director of the FBI’s James Comey told a news conference that “the investigation revealed signs of extremism on the part of the killers and they apparently inspired by ideas of foreign terrorist organizations.” But he added that “nothing indicates that the killers were part of a large organized group or cell.”
For his part, David Baodah in charge of the FBI in Los Angeles, said “We are investigating the facts to this as a terrible act of terrorism. We have evidence to prove that it had prepared thoroughly. ”
And the number of the evidence gathered about the two killers Syed Farooq and his wife Tavchen Owner: arsenal of ammunition and explosives to mobile phones, computers, and talks with the extremists “within the United States” and possibly abroad.
He stressed that the US authorities scrutinize the page on the social networking site Facebook which announced Tavchen owner (29 years) allegiance to the leader of the Islamic state, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The couple and the couple has a child who stands at six months, it plans to fire Wednesday during a luncheon on the occasion of the holidays for staff in local health services where he worked Farouk (28 years).
And a few days ago I rented a black four-wheel drive car attempted to escape from the security forces before they were killed after an exchange of fire with police, who said he witnessed the launch of more than a hundred bullets.
They tried to destroy evidence of their association with the radical Islamic trend by hurling two laptops chanting They Petksaarhama in a garbage container. But police found the two devices.
And on the possibility of a move to be alone after Astouhaa ideas of terrorist groups, admitted White House spokesman Josh Earnest Friday that “it is very difficult to prevent acts of” who move on their own.
Because of the arsenal found in their apartment, also did not rule out the authorities that they had plans to attack another.
In an article published by The New York Times on its front page Saturday, called for the first time since 1920 to more stringent control of firearms after the shooting in California.
The article entitled “put an end to the proliferation of firearms in America,” criticizing the House of Representatives on their responsibilities and calls for preventing ordinary citizens from possessing certain weapons.
– “Married a terrorist” –
He said Mohammed Aborshid and David Hesla lawyer Syed Farooq that the family relatives of the young man “did not have any idea” what was prepared. “They are under shock.”
The focus of attention on Farouk wife whom he met in 2013 on the Website of the marriage contract and the knot in Saudi Arabia in 2014, where she lived after it originated in Pakistan.
Christian Noadekke revealed one of his friends that after his return to the United States was a young man has changed. He told CBS station “I think he was married to a terrorist.”
He described the family lawyer Farooq, Tavchen owner as “a typical housewife” was take care of her daughter.
And talked about the family “very traditional”. Vahabh “but chose to drive the car” did not uncover her face. Women and men do not sit in the same room.
Attorneys played down the seriousness of the ammunition found in the couple’s apartment.
Hesla said it was normal in the United States possession of weapons in the home. “If it can Shooters 2000 acquisition of a bullet in the house.”
He also sought to downplay Farouk link Islamist networks. He said that “access to a web page does not mean support” what has been written in, calling at the same time not to condemn Muslims.
And published new accounts of the massacre Wednesday. After the policeman spoke of “chaos” and “massacre can not be described,” director of health services devices Trudy Raymundo on CNN that he seemed to her that the massacre “will continue to Dehra” she said. She added, “did not I Stop wondering + Why do not you stop shooting? ‘.”
