Iraqi funds abroad in danger and must be renewed immunity
Mahma Khalil: Iraqi funds abroad in danger and must be renewed immunity
Date: 03/01/2013 11:35:27 Friday
Baghdad (news) .. Called the decision of the Commission of Economy and Investment MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Mahma Khalil, to the importance of renewing the protection of Iraqi funds abroad by the United States, noting that it threatened shadowing as a result of judicial invitations is true by some states.
Khalil said (of the Agency news): must tighten control and immunity to Iraqi funds by the United States to protect it from some of the countries that pursue Iraq malicious calls and having an impact on the ground.
He added: that the money found in a box “EDF” which comes from oil sales, you must protect and preserve them, noting that the U.S. President’s initiative to protect Iraqi funds contributed Bhsantha, and all claims against Iraq Tstadm this protection.
U.S. President Barack Obama in 08/05/2012 signed an executive order to extend immunity to Iraqi funds for a year until next May, given the national emergency with respect to the stability of Iraq, including keep Iraq’s money is protected as much as usual provided by U.S. laws for political immunities of protection .
And provides extension also protection of Iraqi funds deposited in this fund from any lawsuits and fake and genuine by companies or individuals, it also provides real support to the Central Bank and the money deposited in it from oil revenues, which represents the main artery of the Iraqi economy. / End / 8. N. P /