Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-25-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-25-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-25-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy They [Iraq} are taking all the right steps in the right direction. Before they used to take two steps forward and like five steps back. It was really disappointing to watch. In 2019 we really thought it was going to happen because they really were chugging along and then all of a sudden it all fell apart. But this is much different ever since Al-Kazemi’s been in office…

9-25-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] There is a contract that is tied to the bond holders and Wells Fargo which is the lead bank – for these exchanges – that allows for notifications for tier 4B – that’s us – tier 4B to go out once those bond holders have been paid out – we are being told that we should receive our notifications and of course our 800 #’s which is part of the notification – emails that are coming from Wells Fargo – all of that is supposed to come out “to us” BEFORE the rally starts on Saturday [a political rally that President Trump will be attending down in Georgia]…The understanding is – I am going to say that when that happens that we will set our appointments – for Saturday and Sunday – and start with those appointments on Monday morning…

9-24-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am getting rumors from some redemption center sources that they are tentatively hopeful we will see 800 numbers on Monday based on the progress being made…There really has been good chatter and good news throughout the afternoon…I am taking this as solid news.

9-24-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 What if they show you the new ‘samples’ [of the new small category notes]? …you will be inches away from what you want.

9-24-2021 Newshound Guru BobTheTaxMan Estate [taxes] right now it’s wonderful. If they leave the stepped up basis alone which it seems to be hinting that they are going to leave it alone then if you’re holding IQD in your estate and you pass on and your kids pick up that IQD they can exchange it tax free. However, we don’t know for sure that’s what’s going to happen because this is still in the throes of the government… [NOTE: President Biden plans to dramatically change the tax laws that will impact dinar investors in a big way if/when an RV/RI/Rate change should happen…

9-24-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the RV front…Very little has changed since last night. At this point nothing more that rumors… They did not start processing in Zurich or Asia yet…The chatter on the banking side and the group leaders has been good …there is still great static about this evening and tomorrow and about how this is our weekend. I hope this is accurate …

9-24-2021 Newshound Guru Desert Advisor 10% of the world’s phosphate in Iraq. Huge amounts of it. But it just came out a few days ago Article: “7 billion weighted tons and 2 billion confirmed…Phosphate rocks in Western Iraq are waiting investment” Quote: “The total resources of the Iraqi deposits are estimated at 9.5 billion metric tons.” How much is 1 metric ton worth? “$245 to $388 for a metric ton. Let’s do some math, if it’s around $300 for a metric ton an Iraq has 9 billion of them…you’re telling me Iraq has 2 quadrillion dollars worth of phosphate in the ground? That’s pretty cool…it’s now being attracted for investors. Come mine it. Come get it out of the ground y’all!

9-24-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy This is my opinion, my opinion only as they continue to rebuild they’re going to need a much stronger currency but right now I think what they’re trying to do is figure out how to just manage the budget, which they’re doing, implement the white paper reforms, all the things that need to be done for them to get on solid ground, which they will, but once that starts to happen and it looks like they’re definitely heading in the right direction, they’re going to have to change the value of their currency. It has to start increasing in value… I think it’s going to go up in increments…quickly over time…

9-24-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Is there a time limit to exchange…. Should we hold off exchanging it all at once?] I think that is a bad idea. But you guys have to handle it how you think it’s right for you. …It’s my understanding from almost all of my banking contacts that this exchange is covered via a treaty and the amounts/rates are covered via a treaty. They are not going to fluctuate or change. So for me, I plan on exchanging it all and getting done…my concern is what if they shut it down after 20 or 30 days or so….I want to be done.