Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-17-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-17-2021
8-17-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article quote: ‘it has been announced…the launch of a national campaign that’s sponsored by the CBI to raise awareness to support the national currency and the Iraqi economy.’ Holy cow. What more do you need? What did we say? The CBI is about to go on a national massive campaign to educate the citizens about what they’re doing with the monetary reform. I mean almost word for word what [Guru] Walkingstick told me to tell you…
8-17-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Monday Night RV Report: This has now been verified Iraq officially kicked off their currency today. Announced in the mosque. On Sunday the DOD authorized the release of the RV in the Pacific Daylight Time Zone (no word on the time.)…
8-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] It is RI (Reinstatement) first, Then revaluation, then reset…as I understand it. But the first step is reinstatement and we expect these things to happen in a very compressed timespan. Most people will never notice it’s a “stepped process”.
8-16-2021 Guest Guru Rod Steele …Iraq is dealing with corruption in parliament but don’t need parliament to push this RV through. Iraq is upset because they still have not RVd and the Prime Minister was on TV for the last few days telling the public as well as begging for those above him to show the true rates and get this done…By the end of the month is still the goal to get this done.
8-16-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Brent Johnson called me…and told me and said he proofed this with 4 different sources…that Iraq moved forward today to release it…Brent has a number of good sources … This is according to his sources. They believe by mid week we will already have our notice and numbers.
8-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraqi Boots-on-the-ground Firefly TV report] FIREFLY – President Salih just came on TV…he is saying Iraq needs to change their exchange rate, that we have to better ourselves. He says it also must go by the White Paper reforms because it will prosper now… FRANK26 – This is magical. This is phenomenal…Notice that they tell you that they need the exchange rate for the White Papers and budget…they’re not censoring truth. They’re giving truth. But they don’t want the truth to leave their borders…I am very happy to see things smelling so good and coming about…
8-16-2021 Intel Guru Holly Monday RV Update: There should be some forward movement this week, if not this week, this month all should happen. …As you know it is: A fluid event…If it has not gone then there is good reason it has not gone!
8-16-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Finance: Al-Kazemi’s government seeks to enhance the purchasing power of the dinar in the market” Quote: “…the real value of the Iraqi dinar is determined through the exchange of the dollar against the dinar in addition to the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar and the resulting net goods and services during a certain period…” The currency will maintain is position (value) for the next five years! That means after they change the exchange rate that it will maintain it’s position. They are not telling us they intend to go into a market economy with a program rate of 1460. That is not what the WPs [White Papers] are telling us. They are geared to go into a market economy and give purchasing power…they clearly spell it out. imo…They told us they are going to be a direct float or managed, hence, it will not change much over that five year period…imo It is GOLD-N… Oh ya…
8-16-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are getting overwhelming number of reports out of Iraq about the education process as they attempt to move forward this week…We will see, but I feel pretty confident that this could be our week.
8-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 I’M excited about this month. I don’t usually tell you that because usually April and September historically have been very very explosive…maybe towards the end of this month, maybe towards the last week of this August it’s going to get hot. It’s going to be hot…Let’s see what happens. It’s exciting. I will admit I like what I’m seeing I really do.
8-16-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready Frank [Guru Frank26] is saying that Biden is looking forward to our dinars hitting the UST as reserve currency. Since it is mainly asset backed, it will be a great currency for the UST to hold. Can you say RV soon?!!!