Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-21-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-21-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-21-2019 Newshound Guru Enorrste Question: 8.1% – would that translate to very much inflationary pressure? There is no direct connection between the rate of growth of the GDP in Iraq and the value of the dinar. The dinar is currently fixed in value. If however the Gross Domestic Product of Iraq triples next year from the current 3% or whatever it is to 8.1% that is enormous economic growth. Take America, Under Obama we never got above 2%. Trump got us to 3.3% and we have the hugest economy in the world in two years…and it’s only 3.3% so if Iraq goes from 3% to 8% in 7 to 10 months or all of next year which is 18 months that is truly phenomenal growth..

7-21-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Generally speaking…they [The CBI/Iraq} want price discovery. They want the world to set the [dinar] rate. What they’re saying is ‘We are not going to change the value of our currency until investors come in and say they want to help us.’ That’s really what they’re doing. Guru Enorrste – That’s very well stated. Of course the investors are saying exactly the opposite. ‘We are not going to invest until you show us you have an open currency.’ So it’s a catch 22. Eventually they’ll do it. They’re playing chicken…

7-20-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni A company called SAP announced a few weeks ago that they are…opening an office in Baghdad. One of the things they say in the article is “the real GDP growth in Iraq is expected to double by about 3 times to 8.1% in 2020.”… right now I think it’s at 2 point something. This company SAP who has come in with an investment strategy they believe the GDP in Iraq is going to 8.1%…If anyone thinks this is going to drag out another year, a year and a half, two years I think they’re kidding themselves…we’re talking in the next 7 to 12 months they expect the GDP to raise that high.

7-20-2019 Intel Guru Markz Do you have an idea of what the Dong will be at? Mostly what we have are rumors of what it will be revalued at. If we look at the value at when they first devalued it and adjust for basic inflation we’d be in the two dollar range. I’ve heard anything from $.47 to 2 something and there’s one person out there claiming the contract rate is $6 which makes absolutely no sense to me just based on the economics of it. Me personally I think the low two’s is realistic and where I personally think it will wind up. But that is my opinion and my thought.

7-20-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Iraq needs HCL (oil law) to really kick things into high gear. The oil law is many things, but of extreme importance is it’s scope regarding Kurdish relations with Baghdad inside the country. Article quote: “This agenda has been developed in accordance with the political agreements between all parties which compose the new cabinet of the KRG…” That’s excellent stuff regarding the HCL…

7-20-2019 Newshound Guru Enorrste [Article: The Liberalization of prices is the most important implication in the market economy…]. I can’t help but believe that means floating the currency. You can’t liberalize the price without changing the value…I don’t know why he didn’t say float the currency but he called it liberalization of prices. Sounds like a float to me…wow.

7-20-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Anyone who says nothing is happening in Iraq or there’s no progress is really missing the boat because these types of things that may not be effecting us yet are major accomplishments. Remember post war Iraq was literally off the map. They had to rebuild everything from the ground up and to talk about a financial system now that’s engaging and preparing the financial system, inter-banking, markets, the electronic banking, ATMs and all that…they’re going from the Stone Age…