Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-14-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-14-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-14-2021 Intel Guru Holly My opinion and the opinion of my contacts is the craziness is all confusion being done deliberately…They said it would get crazy at the end and it is…Once you sort through all the confusion, the bottom line is we are in a very sweet spot to get this done and they want it done and it is happening…

7-14-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Anything new on rates?] I am hearing the dong is neck and neck with the dinar. And the dinar is obscenely high.

7-14-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra The need for new small category notes will be controlled IMO. It’s not going to be a huge amount to come out because they’re driving everybody to digital commerce which is where the world is going with those CBDC’s and all those other programs that are coming out from the BIS and many other entities.

7-13-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Two more great articles came out this period about the project to delete the zeros…we all should know that it is the project to delete the zeros that will eventually get us the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar back on FOREX sooner than later. This is when we go to the bank…Just the fact that they are and have been openly debating this issue of when to perform this project is very, very good…the country is in a much better situation now then back in 2013…One thing I can assure everyone…is that do NOT expect the revaluation or the reinstatement any time in the next period unless we witness the project to delete the zeros…the reinstatement goes hand in hand with the project to delete the zeros…these two reforms must go closely together…

7-13-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO the banks already have the new small category notes…they have the currency and they have been training with it. Now they are about to have a new exchange rate for that new currency these banks of the Central Bank of Iraq inside of Iraq have been training with for a long time…that exchange rate has a solid date IMO.

7-13-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Confidence in the Iraqi dinar is eroding…and the prospect of removing zeros” Here we go. We see it every 4 to 6 months – there is a report about the Iraqi dinar having the 3 zeros removed…there’s a difference between removing the 3 zeros off the rate versus removing 3 zeros off the currency. Removing off the rate – good. Removing off the currency – bad. Why is that Pimpy? Because if you remove the 3 zeros off the exchange rate that means the value of the dinar has increased. But if you remove the 3 zeros off the currency – yikes! …there’s been so many reports, report after report that says deleting the zeros affects the poor people…it would cause such an uprising its not even funny…there’s nothing to debate. They’re not going to do it…

7-13-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Very quiet on all fronts this morning… […how long can this be drug out?] Weeks? Maybe imo…My bank sources think it will be much sooner.

7-13-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 If you look at these articles it’s always the WTO coming in to try to get Iraq to join. The latest thing is that the WTO has sent the documents and paperwork so that Iraq will sign it. You don’t see Iraq asking the WTO for these papers. Everybody wants Iraq right now. They know it is about to happen. This thing is very very close…the WTO sees Iraq like a cash cow…

7-13-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra They are just filling time…and they’re using the time to campaign and…socialize the information to the people so they learn and adapt…they did not spend years building the digital platforms, connecting to BUNA, working with the European Development Bank and all the things that have been going on over the last couple years to have the same rate. It they’re going to keep the same rate they’d have done it. But they’re not. There’s a new rate coming. There’s a new sheriff in town and it’s all IMO very very exciting…