Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-21-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-21-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-21-2021 Intel Guru Holly …all my sources are saying everything is done. We just await the final release and notifications. We clearly are on an any moment release.

6-21-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Al-Kazemi’s financial advisor: Deleting three zeros from the currency is an option” Every six months or so this gets brought up and everybody gets in panic mode…he didn’t say they’re gonna do it. It’s an option. They did 5 years worth of study. You know what they found out? It’s not doable. It affects the poor too much…they already devalued the currency, now you’re talking about lopping off the zeros? So 10,000 dinars becomes 10 dinars…lopping the zeros off the currency -bad. Removing it off the rate – good…if they lop off the zeros people would lose confidence in their currency. You would get pissed off people from countries all over who have invested into the currency…

6-20-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 The anticipated rates are as follows: Dinar range is $3.70 to $3.95; Dong range is .42¢ to .62¢… TIME WILL DEFINITELY TELL!!

6-20-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Al-Kazemi’s advisor: The Central Bank is able to control the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar” Quote: “The Central Bank had confirmed the stability of the dollar exchange rate and the absence of any intentions to change it.” People keep talking about this…that a rate change is coming – coming sooner than you know. I believe it’s going to change too but not that dang soon…I’m surprised it’s taken this long but hang tight it’s going to happen…

6-20-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The U.S. Treasury directly told the CBI, ‘Raise the value of your currency’…we have articles – IMF telling the CBI, ‘Raise the value of your currency’ directly. I mean directly the World Bank tells the CBI, ‘Do it. Do it. You’re sovereign. Raise the value.’…Look at all of those that are telling them to raise the value of their currency beside you.

6-20-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 Several bank sources are expecting to see LIVE rates on Sunday evening when the Forex market opens at 5:00 PM, Eastern. Top level personnel are told to start “checking” their systems starting Sunday afternoon in preparation of strategic conference calls. They are planning on being extremely BUSY next week.

6-20-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy We haven’t had any kind of disruptions recently. No civil unrest. No protests. No missiles. No terrorist attacks. No Iran being bullies. It looks like foreign companies are coming in to do business. Looking real good. And the dinar is going in the right direction.