Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-15-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-15-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-15-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …their efforts are about to be given to the citizens proportionately. The pressure has been mounting and I bet the GOI is feeling the heat on many front. Lets see how the handle the new GOI. Will it be seated in the coming days? We shall see…

3-15-2022 Newshound Guru Godlover The articles speaking of the exchange rate appear to be talking of the previous rate. It’s a concern because the oil & gas law is an ongoing issue that I feel needs resolved prior to what we all seek. I am not sure where we stand on the investment law, I am pretty sure this still needs to be resolved. Per articles the NSCN’s need to be printed, if this is the case, which I think is likely, then that will be another lengthy process…

3-15-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …Article from Iraq: “The federal court postpones the lawsuit to raise the price of the dollar until 4/4” I am being told by my sources that this was postponed on purpose because they expect the RV to have been completed, small denomination bills released and everything done…by April 4th. Thus negating the need for it. That is what I am hearing…I am feeling pretty confident we will have been to the bank and be done before April 4th.

3-15-2022 Intel Guru Bob Locke When contacts are extremely quiet…big things are happening…things are definitely moving.

3-14-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] This article has a lot of folks concerned…”The Federal court postpones the lawsuit to raise the price of the dollar to 4/4” This has me feeling very good right now. I am told – not by Iraqi sources but, by sources here in the US that this is when they expect to be done. I am being told that they expect that we have finished…redemptions before then. Keep in mind that it may take 3 weeks to a month to get us all in and done…so they have to start this quickly if they are going to meet that timeline. So I am hearing that they plan on having the overwhelming majority of us in and out so that they can release the “international Rate” by or before April 4th.

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy I know you guys are waiting for the big payday and I told you IMO I thought it was gonna get there but just not overnight. I doesn’t mean I’m right. It doesn’t mean I’m wrong. I’m just saying you’re gonna see it go up in increments. How much? I don’t know. But Sadr is pretty serious about dealing with this exchange rate issue…

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Al-Faw port .. Funding is enough for September and a government step to overcome the budget delay” The mention of the a difference in exchange rates is very interesting…The budget is in Dinars but the contract is in Dollars. The large difference in amounts after changing the exchange rate between each other is by recalculating costs. So they have a new system in place to account for the differences…if there are any delays, then they are all set with the new system to take over. …The new system when the …exchange rate changes…will calculate the differences in the exchange rates. Sounds like they have it set up for a seamless change over. All good to go imo…

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The Federal Court postpones the lawsuit to raise the price of the dollar to 4/4″

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru Godlover …There are still many unresolved issues…I do not believe the NSCN’s [New Small Category Notes] have been printed yet per a recent article & I do not believe the NSCN training has happened yet.

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram There may never be a so-called revalue only a substantial increase in the IQD value against the U.S. dollar.

3-14-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I do not know if the Iranian strike in Iraq has caused any type of delay or not. I have been unable to get a response from my 2 best contacts on the ground in Iraq…Hope to find out if we are still on track…the goal in Iraq was for today…

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru Breitling It’s always about what markets are they [Iraq] going to be involved with. Always. Once they add value to the Iraqi dinar how can they participate in those markets? Who’s going to be able to accept it? That’s why you’re watching Iraq go through all these banking laws – setting it up so it complies with the west…they’re restricted on what they can buy…They’re still going to sell oil in U.S. dollars but they’re going to back their own currency up with U.S. dollars and their currency will be unrestricted.

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru Breitling Believe it or not what you’re seeing with Ukraine is helping that. The United States is more inclined to have Iraq comply. Do you know why? Because right now there is a competition…The west is trying to confirm who is with us. Iraq wants to be part of the American western system. End of story. Any country that says they want to be part of the Russian system is because Russian has their proxies in power in those countries.

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Community Sentiment: “It was so easy to devalue, why can’t they just revalue?” It’s not ‘revaluing’ we’re looking for. I think what everybody’s really wanting is the reinstatement of the old rate of $3.22. There’s a difference between a revaluation and a reinstatement…I’d rather them take their time and do it 100% the right way so that it doesn’t fall back down…

3-14-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan At some point Iraq may be in the AMF basket of currencies (Arab Monetary Fund)…the AMFs way of calculating the exchange rate…shows me that there is a strong probability that the IQD will be strong in pricing going forward. The fact they have massive oil deposits, massive Sulphur deposits, massive of revenues to come from customs, fees, taxes, tariffs, tourism, etc., will support the valuation the IQD far better today, then the past 10-15 years…