Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-16-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-16-2023
12-16-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “A STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE IRAQ ECONOMIC CONTACT GROUP OF THE GROUP OF SEVEN COUNTRIES, THE EUROPEAN UNION, AND THE WORLD BANK” Quote: “During the coming year, the Iraq Economic Contact Group welcomes further cooperation to support the development of the economic and financial sector in Iraq, including Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani’s policies to enhance the value of the dinar and oversee monetary policy. A clear announcement of the new policies regarding the dinar during the transitional period…” WHEN IS THE TRANSITIONAL PERIOD?… STARTS DEC. 20TH FOR 5 DAYS.
12-16-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Romanowski [US Ambassador to Iraq] had her G7 meeting…She’s taken photo op with the G7 supporting the reforms of Iraq. That’s powerful stuff. Article quote: “…during the coming year the Iraq economic contact group will further cooperation to support the development of the economic and financial sector in Iraq including prime minister Al-Sudani’s policies to enhance the value of the dinar…This is a clear announcement of the new policies regarding the dinar during the transitional period…” That’s a drop the mic you guys. Phenomenal…In other words if you’re going to enhance the value of the dinar something is going to change.
12-16-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing more and more contacts from different nations saying that they now have the “GO”. We don’t know the timing but it’s my understanding that they have been releasing the countries one by one. They all should go at one time but they are getting their permissions and marching orders now. I am hearing from different governmental sources that it is all released and the amounts have been agreed to and shared with the participating countries. Now, we are waiting for someone to say “GO” and we do not know what the timing is. I think the banks may know but they are not telling me.
12-15-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Are we at the point in this journey where the rate could be changed at any time?” Yes.
12-15-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick The intent of the government of Iraq and the board of directors of the CBI is to eventually float. We see this information in the articles they have already released…
12-15-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I received…good intel from a very trusted source and a treasury representative…We’re …looking at us to be notified on Monday…Which is the 18th and exchange on the 19th…Monday into Tuesday is what looks like is going to happen to tier 4B – that’s us…
the redemption centers…did say they intend to get the started before Christmas and it looks like that’s what is going to happen…I think we’re good to go…
12-15-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The delegation of the Central Bank of Iraq ends its meetings with the delegation of the US Federal Reserve and the US Treasury in Dubai” Quote: “December 14, 2023 Representatives of the US Federal Reserve Bank and the US Treasury appreciated the efforts made by the Central Bank of Iraq”
12-15-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The monetary reform is not a secret and the Venturi effect of the monetary reform is causing so much pressure with so little time left to accomplish what they need to accomplish. What do they need to accomplish? They need to help their citizens of Iraq, to add value to their currency…
12-15-23 Intel Guru Goldilocks Iraq has completed all of their banking competencies required by the CBI in Iraq to meet International Banking Standards. And tomorrow, they are expected to finish their banking reforms with their managers per a recent article.
12-15-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “Can Iraq get into the World Trade Organization with the currency exchange rate of 1310 to 1 US dollar?” One of the key requirements for joining the WTO is establishing a convertible currency at a “realistic exchange rate”…the exchange rate of 1310 to 1 USD raises concerns about the convertibility and stability of Iraq’s currency… There is no specific threshold for what constitutes a “realistic” exchange rate…It has to be a stable currency which means…Iraq must have a stable economy…When 95% of your budget is totally relied on oil sales that is not a stable economy. Iraq is going to have to build their private and public sectors…Can Iraq go into the World Trade Organization with an exchange rate of 1310 dinar? Yes…if the dinar is stable.
12-15-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A lot has happened over the 14th and the 15th and more is expected to happen over the next couple of days. We have seen tremendous progress over the last few days…behind the scenes…I absolutely think we are finally here.
12-15-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The delegation of the Central Bank of Iraq ends its meetings with the delegation of the US Federal Reserve and the US Treasury in Dubai”
12-15-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article “STATEMENT OF THE IRAQ ECONOMIC CONTACT GROUP OF THE G7, EUROPEAN UNION AND WORLD BANK” This is the road map they have been using to show the world their intentions. They have every intention to see Iraq succeed and get back into the international arena and into her rightful place in the international financial system! We can see by the evidence over the last few months that support they are getting down to the wire…
12-15-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Chase Bank Story] BANK STORY LADY: I called Chase Bank this morning…I asked would they be exchanging the Iraqi dinar this January 1, 2024. He said we haven’t been given the information yet but we will probably get it around December 31, 2023 or January 1, 2024. FRANK: I agree with him BTW. BANK STORY LADY: He was so nice. He invited me to come in at anytime and open an account. The other [call] said not all the Chase Banks would not be handling the foreign currency. They didn’t know which ones yet.
12-15-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] When we first got into this and looked at the Vietnamese dong we were hopeful it would come out around .30 to .36 cents. Which is still amazing. But I have not heard it was going to be that low. I am still hearing it will be between $2 and $3.