Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-3-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-3-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-3-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy There’s so many things happening…We got elections coming up here soon. Al-Sudani has been taking many good steps to warrant an opportunity to be the Prime Minister once again but if he doesn’t control that currency it’ll destabilize the economy as well as the currency itself and this is not going to go over very well with the people of Iraq. If he increases the value of the Iraqi dinar that gives the people of Iraq a little bit more purchasing power at the same time stabilizing the currency and hopefully closing the gap between the fixed exchange rate versus the parallel rate.

11-3-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] My gut is still screaming that sometimes in the next few days or week we will be across the finish line…my analytical mind looking at documents, governments and articles say we will have it by Jan 1st.

11-3-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Articles: “NEARLY TEN BILLION DOLLARS IN IRAQI OIL REVENUES LAST MONTH”; “IRAQ IS AMONG THE LARGEST ARAB COUNTRIES IN GOLD RESERVES… INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS DURING 2023″ Yes, and still the dinar is at 1/6 of a penny. How outrageous is this that they still continue to manipulate the dollar in Iraq. We will see what happens in January when the CBI has reported they plan to cut off all dollars for imports. The dollars will dry up. So get ready Iraq…


11-2-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Two more months until the end of the year. Is Iraq going be able to tough it out with this currency exchange rate for two months? As long as the market doesn’t get any more out of whack than it is, we’ll see. IMO they should do something with the exchange rate a little bit to help this situation.

11-2-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Since the Ministerial Council of Economics got involved, which was in November of last year, the dynamics have completely changed. It isn’t the blah, blah, blah, same ole story. Those that think that way really should know their investment and get involved because the time is coming to where change is about to happen…

11-2-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing some very fun and interesting stuff that is telling me things are well underway, and we will see the manifestation of it very soon. I continue to get news from the middle east that things are already done and we are waiting for it to implement. Back in the days when Kuwait went –they kept it under wraps for about 10 days. I don’t know if they can hide it that long in today’s world. But they continue to tell me they expect notifications soon.

11-2-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The Iraqi Central Bank is moving towards the US Federal Reserve to increase its dollar transfers” THE UST HELPING THE CBI TO REMOVE CORRUPTION IN THE MONETARY REFORM.

11-2-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East You guys saw all this news coming out. This is getting exciting and excited more and more. It’s amazing. I think things are happening…It’s good what’s happening. Now the big fight against the corrupted people…

11-2-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The Iraqi Central Bank is moving towards the US Federal Reserve to increase its dollar transfers” Quote: “The Finance Committee is in constant contact with the Central Bank of Iraq and other concerned parties regarding the problem of the fluctuation of dollar selling prices and supports all steps and measures that would restore stability to the exchange rate…with the aim of finding alternatives and solutions…in a way that preserves the strength of the Iraqi dinar and also preserves the strength of our cash reserves of hard currency.”

11-2-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “As of the beginning of next month, Kurdistan will adopt the Iraqi dinar in crossings and airport transactions” This is what I was talking about – Steps towards straightening the Iraqi dinar…This is a major move. This is awesome. This is great for the Iraqi dinar. This helps strengthen the Iraqi dinar..

11-2-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat My contact from the CBI has told me…that January 2024 is their target and is the best most opportune time to reinstate the dinar. In my last conversation with my contact I was told they were given the green light to begin the re-education criteria to teach the citizens about the newer lower denominations and how the conversion back to the lower denominations as they had before 2004 is going to take place…I am still being very hopeful for a January 2024 reinstatement…

11-2-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: “There are negotiations with the Iranian side to create a platform for new currencies other than the dollar to secure Inter-trade between the two countries. It’s called Visa Direct. It’s a new banking service launched by one of the most important digital banks in the country under the supervision of the Central Bank and in cooperation with Visa International…this will help in the collapse of the black market prices…” Kinda big right? International…That’s their goal, get rid of the black market and I think the corrupt see their cash cow is about ready to go bye-bye.

11-2-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: We have big new report on television saying the Iraqi parliament is in full support of the CBI and its actions to control the exchange rate for the monetary reform. FRANK: The only reason parliament is saying you’re now going to have your new exchange…your HCL…your budget…you’re now going to have everything that was promised to you by Sudani and Alaq is because they lost full control of the corruption…

11-2-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy In all fairness Iraq has managed to stay out of the crap that’s going on over there despite calls by Sadr to get involved…

11-2-2023 Intel Guru yada A lot of events that they can’t hide. The currency swaps with other countries, the activation of their banking using dinars only starting 11-1-23, the connection of the banks, ports, and government offices with their central bank, hence, all these activation before the rate change in country and next, internationally.

11-2-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: I heard Iraq is applying to the WTO today [11-1-23]. Presumably meeting over the next 3 days. MarkZ: They have already applied…they have already been approved for ascension…but, it hasn’t happened…so these 3 days of meetings are very important. Question: Don’t they have to change the rate before Iraq joins the WTO? MarkZ: That’s what everyone says. This is assumed by almost everybody that Iraq will need to change their rate before they join the World Trade Organization…