Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-3-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-3-2021
10-3-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Once the IQD is cleared Internationally it will be fully Article 8 compliant with the IMF and International Standards. That will require a Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER). The Bonds for reconstruction to enhance the Private Sector to support Iraq away from just oil revenues will require it too. Imo. There is data that supports yesterday that the Bonds will trade on the ISX. It is my understanding that the ISX was closed yesterday and won’t open until Monday, next. Regardless, there is an effort to trade bonds in the very short term that will require international exposure and standards to apply.
10-3-2021 Newshound Guru BobTheTaxMan I’ve sang this song many times – 6 attorneys, 6 CPA’s, 6 financial planners. Talk to them. Ask them questions. Get their help. Now obviously if you go to them today they’re gonna just kind of say, ‘Yeah right. Uh-huh. Sure.’ But as soon as this goes from pink to green – a whole new ball game. Take the time to talk to 6. Why would I say six? Two reasons. 1. It’s going to make you slow down because when this thing pops there’s going to be a lot of panic. There’s going to be a lot of emotions coming out…a lot of fears. All those things are going to come out.
10-2-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still hearing fantastic stuff as they position for it. Keep in mind that there are additional days off in Iraq. They have Sat and Sunday off as they celebrate their “Independence Day” So it’s a long weekend for them and would be an ideal time.
10-1-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 I find it interesting that Sunday is Iraq’s Independence Day very interesting… And I have always found a Saturday into a Sunday very interesting because on Sunday Iraqi banks are open and most of the rest of the banks around the world are closed…
10-2-2021 Intel Guru Holly …I would like to say our October 1st fiscal year has started. I have heard nothing but good news yesterday…it looks like this week we should see things at our level!!
10-2-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy We don’t do dates and rates and I don’t mislead people. I give you the news – the good, bad and ugly. And I also tell you guys there are other factors that we can watch that affect the Iraqi dinar. I know everybody’s waiting for an RI or an RV to be announced. I get that and I’m not saying it won’t be done but what I’m saying is there are other factors to consider…no body knows the date. Nobody knows the rate. You can take a lot of information and take a pretty good educated guess at it but anybody telling you that they know for sure the date, they know for sure the rate or that the rate has changed or they have special connections, 800#s, back screens, military intelligence, special codes is all full of [You know what]. There’s not redemption centers. There’s no 800 numbers. It’s a currency…
10-2-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Iraq has successfully met the foreign reserve requirement and they have sufficient capability to protect them!!…
10-2-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ I know the chatter in Iraq is obscene!! They are being pressured by the IMF and the UN…everyone buckle up!! No new rate yet…but, Iraq is being pressured by the IMF to get it done and adjust that rate immediately…. I hear they are pushing to get it done before the next banking day starts over there. Tomorrow is still a bank holiday in Iraq…the Iraq and IMF chatter is fantastic.
10-2-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Significant news for those invested in Iraq. Standard & Poor’s came out reviewing Iraq’s credit rating. They made a statement that Iraq can improve to A or -A by activating the private sector. This is the encouragement we’ve been waiting for.
10-2-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq Boots-on-the-ground Firefly TV update] FIREFLY: TV…saying…the capital one Islamic banks are now merged with the international Islamic capital one banks. saying this is part of process to produce maximum efficiency for Iraqi banking…TV showing placement of the new ATMs in Mosul and surrounding provinces. saying banking sector will have all new ATMs in place in near future and this a process of the reforms to enhance banking sector…