Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-19-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-19-2021
10-19-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Changes are coming and these changes we will like. This is when we will get the reinstatement…
10-19-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Bankers are all chattering with anticipation. Contractors in Iraq are also looking at mid week for spendable funds on their cards. I am still hearing from multiple sources that the rate is $4.71.
10-19-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Speculative challenge [They may LOP and let it rise and fall from there which it looks to me like all the cards are stacked in that direction. They are just waiting for the right conditions and timing. Please convince me that the odds are over 50% in other direction. Hope I’m wrong!…] Remember, Iraq intentionally sold the dinar around the world so that it could eventually be held in central banks as a hard currency. Such an event would contradict that intention. Countries that have done that [LOP] have not been successful…
10-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …interesting news over the weekend…we saw $4.71 pop up on cards for contractors in Iraq. I can verify this. I have had a number of people call me with this news. They expect release of those funds today or tomorrow. As of late yesterday they do not yet have free spending of those funds…So at a $4.71 rate that would make a 25k dinar note worth $117,750.00 US …
10-18-2021 Intel Guru Holly I am going to say very little. We are close. Do not fret the hour or the day. Do not question all the details. Know it is happening and underway…
10-18-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy There’s a lot of people expecting this RV announcement or an RI announcement and I’m not saying that’s not going to happen but I’m saying the most likely scenario is we just pay attention to what’s going on in the country and then we could watch as time goes on and they continue to get back on solid ground they start to restore the nation you’re going to see quickly over a couple years it [the dinar rate] jump up in huge increments…
10-18-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Don’t go to the bank by yourself. Please don’t go to the bank by yourself. Human beings are easily manipulated and don’t go with an even number go with an odd number – Break the tie. Be well prepared…When you get into the bank be smart. Don’t let them take advantage of you. You are now Mr. Clampett, the bank guy that you’re talking to is Mr. Drysdale. Make him jump for your demands. If not – go to another bank.
10-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I have great hope that this will be our week based on all the chatter I am getting…it has been phenomenal!! …many are pointing to tomorrow… We are watching to see how today pans out… I am getting emails, messages and text coming in from different banking centers. …I am expecting a lot of chatter and updates today… Hopefully I will be wearing the Golden Egg shirt for you all later…
10-18-2021 Newshound Guru Vital Brad I don’t want to get political…by any means but as much as I’ve actually been against the Democrats, liberals and that party, that string of presidents from the Bushes, to the Clintons, to Obama, to Biden I think they’re the ones pushing for this to happen for us. So with Biden in office it’s making the U.S. economy prepare for a collapse potentially and by dropping the value of the dollar it’s going to allow for the global currency reset which includes a basket of currencies that will be revalued and their rates will be changed. One of those being the Iraqi dinar…I believe the stage is being set and the curtain is about to be opened and we’re in for a big reveal…